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It’s a broken road, with deep cracks and weed growing in between. The road looks like it’s been abadandoned a long time ago. Hanseo’s stomach churns nervously. He looks back at Hanseok – who is lost in thought.
They enter a breakaway entrance in the middle of nowhere, and at the sound of Hanseok’s whimper; Hanseo is sure they are close to the warehouse. Vincenzo had mentioned this place a few times. Hanseo had a clue about it’s nature – but something inside of him felt amiss. Was the place still worth it? Was Vincenzo going to pursuade him to torture Hanseok’s even if he didn’t want to? It’s an old warehouse with rusty tin roofs. The structure looks to have been almost demolished, and left unattended for years. The park infront of the broken down entrace, but when they step out, Vincenzo’s men lead them to a door in the back; behind the warehouse’s crumbled structure, and it
opens a door that looks out of the ordinary. They go down the basement of the warehouse, all the while Hanseok putting a fight. They enter a well lit hallway and Hanseo’s nose crinkles at the strong smell of bleach. Was the place cleaned recently? There doesn’t seem to be any windows in sight, and along the way, there are several doors locked. They look so eerie.
“Take him to the white room.” Vincenzo tells one of his men.
Hanseok panics and starts stuttering, “No, please.” But Vincenozo’s goon takes him by force. The younger brother watches in dismay as his brother is lead away. “What’s the white room?” Hanseo asks, turning to Vincenzo who is looking at him with intent in his eyes. “It’s just that. A white room. It’s bright white, and deafening quite. It’s one of the methods I used on him for a month.” Vincenzo turns around to eye Hanseo, “It’s a form of psycological torture.”
Hanseo blinks, and nods. Still looking at the door his brother dissapeared into, he swallows in
despite. There are ten total rooms. Hanseo eyes them all warily, “What are in these rooms?” he asks. Vincenzo nods, and walks up to the first room. “Let me show you each one of them.” His steps are small as he leads Hanseo. “Everyroom was a setup for his punishment. They changed frequently.” Vincenzo opens the first door, and there is water on the floor. “This room was used to electricute him.” He walks inside, allowing Hanseo to follow him. There is a chair in the middle of the room. “He was tied down to the chair, barefoot.” He points at the chair, watching Hanseo’s reactions closely, “Every fifteen minutes he was electricuted, and each time the power was increased.” Hanseo bites his lip, and stares at the wooden chair. There are rope’s around the arm handle which
indicates someone’s hands being tied down. “Most of the times, his feet were the target but once in a while, I had to electricute his body to change things up.” Vincenzo walks around the chair with his hands in his pant pockets.There’s
large mirror, and Vincenzo nudges his head towards it. “The control room is behind that wall, and you can work with him all day.” Vincenzo gives Hanseo the time to think, and watches the wrinkles on his forehead. “Let me show you the next room.” He walks out, and Hanseo is right behind him – still thinking.
“How long was he there for?” Hanseo asks, scratching his nose.
“Morning to evening time.”
“Everyday?” Vincenzo shakes his head, “No, we changed it up a bit.” “We?” “Me and Cha Young,” he says to Hanseo’s surprise, “What did you think, she was just going to sit back?” Hanseo’s mouth opens to reply, but he can’t seem to think of anything to say. He knew Cha Young was aware what was going on, but he never imagined her being part of the torture play as well. “I..I just never thought about her being involved.” He pouted and shrugged his shoulders.
“Well, the next one is from her.” Vincenzo opens the second door with Hanseo right behind him.
There is a dog cage in the middle of the room, and a water hose next to it. Hanseo doesn’t have to be told. “Could he fit in there?” he asks as he looks over the cage. It’s good size cage and most likely could fit a wrapped up adult in there. But he was sure it was in the most uncomfortable position. “She made him fit.” Vincenzo says, “and that water hose.” Hanseo doesn’t have to be told about the waterhose either, “she hosed him with it.” “Yes, this was her favorite, because it took the least amount of effort.” Vincenzo walks out of the
room as he says it. “You can make the cage smaller if you want to.”
“There’s an electric dog collar she put on him. I don’t know where it is now.” The mafia boss pokes his head back in the room but shakes it. Hanseo chews on his upper lip and eyes the cage intently. “Come,” Vincenzo is already opening the next door when Hanseo walks out. “This was the worst one for him.” “It’s empty.” Hanseo says as he looks around. “This was for my men to beat him up as much as possible.” Vincenzo purses his lips, “who ever got to give the final blow got to have the next day off.”
“Final blow?” “They were to beat him until he was unconcious.” Vinenzo adds, “No weapons, just fists.” Hanseo remembers punching his brother until he was bloodied and almost passed out. The sight of it had interested him, but the more he thought about bloody and a beaten up Hanseok, his heart was sinking. He doesn’t know what’s going on. He hates his brother, so why is he uncertain of his feelings now?

The End

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