Chapter 2: Trying to Stay Strong

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"Chay!!!" Sang screamed in the restaurant waving for Porschay who just arrived. Porschay spotted both his friends and waved to them. Sang is short, with a small face and beautiful round eyes and rosy cheeks, he is the same age as Porschay and even though he is short he is very loud and likes to pick fights with people especially his best friend Benz who is straight. Sang is an architect student who goes to the same university as Porschay.

"Finally!!" Benz yawned. Benz is a bit taller than Sang, he is very fit with a sharp jawline. He was the moon of his faculty and the handsomest in his year. He is a year older than Porschay and Sang and has a girlfriend who was the Star in her faculty. He likes playing basketball and he is sarcastic almost all the time.

"Sorry I am late, I had to deal with something at home" Porschay laughed as he sat down and opened the menu.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" Benz asked and moved Porschay's hair out of his face so he could take a better look at him.

"N-nothing! Why is everyone asking me that today?" Porschay stuttered and Benz sat back on his chair and squinted his eyes at Porschay, then Benz looked at Sang and Sang nodded.

"Now that you say it Benz, I notice it too" Sang pointed at Porschay.

"What?" Porschay said and continued to look at the menu to avoid his friends' stares.

"Sorry Chay but you can lie to other people but you can't lie to us. Your sweaty, you're stuttering and you are avoiding eye contact! Come on Porschay, not even Porsche knows you as well as we do" Sang said and Porschay shook his head.

"Gosh I am so freaking hungry Porschay, you better tell us what's up before I get upset!" Benz said and Porschay glared at him.

"Why are you guys so nosy, nothing is up! I just asked my brother if I can move into the dorm with you guys and he said he will think about it. The reason why I am sweating is because I was running here from my car, because there was no freaking parking space, I had to park across the street and the reason I am stuttering is because my blood sugar is dropping, now can we freaking eat right now and can you guys stop freaking asking so much questions!!!" Porschay yelled at them both and they both remained silent. Everyone in the restaurant was now looking at them and Sang had to smile to everyone to make them look away.

"Geez, who pissed in your cereal this morning" Benz said and opened his menu to see what he should eat.

"Sorry, I am just super hungry" Porschay sighed and flipped the pages of the menu. Sang side eyed Benz and Benz did the same to Sang like they were thinking the same thing.

"Let's just get some food" Sang said and Benz nodded and called for the waiter. As soon as Sang saw the waiter coming, he slapped Benz in the face causing Benz to frown.

"What the fuck?" Benz yelled and looked at Sang angrily. Sang was shocked as the waiter approached their table.

"Why is the waiter so hot oh my gosh!!" Sang whispered to Benz and he looked over and squinted his eyes and shrugged.

"I don't see it" Benz who was straight said.

"That's because your straight!" Sang rolled his eyes than acted like nothing happened when the waiter made it to their table.

"Hello, my name is Fluke and I will be your waiter" Fluke smiled at them and Sang smiled at him as well, and stared into the waiters soul causing the waiter to avoid eye contact. "So, what can I get for you?"

My Cold Husband (KimChay)Where stories live. Discover now