Chapter 9: Finally, out of the House

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It was finally time for Porschay to go to university, he was already, Kim bought all of his things and nothing was going to stop him from this amazing opportunity he had been given, Porschay was now in Engineering, Sang was not in Architecture and Benz... if Benz was their he would've been in Medicine. Just the thought of it made Porschay very sad, they have all been talking about Uni since they were all in high school, and now only two of them are going.

"Are you ready?" Kim said as he entered the walk-in closet. Kim saw Porschay in front of the mirror struggling with a tie and came forward silently, as soon as he entered Porschay's personal bubble Porschay flinched. "Relax, I am just helping you"

"Oh..." Porschay said in realization, he thought for certain Kim was going to stop him from going to university and treat him even more like a caged bird that he feels he is.

"Are you really that afraid of me" Kim said in a very uncertain voice, like he their was a meaning behind it. But Porschay took it differently, he thought Kim was mocking him.

"You treated me badly since we got married... you think I wouldn't! I don't know what you think and what your next move is... you caused this" Porschay said strongly, Kim bit his lips as he was finished tying Porschay's tie and immediately began to leave the room.

"I will be in the car, come down when your ready" Kim said at the door of the walk-in closet.

"You're driving me?" Porschay said in a surprised tone.

"What do you think?" Kim said in his usual cold tone and cold glare making Porschay go back to his annoyed face. However, it had been a very long time since Kim had touched him, ever since they slept separately Kim hasn't really been near Porschay, he only cooks for Porschay in the morning then disappears and at night he orders out and goes to into the guest bedroom which he now sleeps in permanently.

This is the first time in a long time Porschay has actually seen his face and talked to him. But no matter how hard Kim tries to feed Porschay, Porschay was still skinny as ever, wasting his food. Kim didn't realize how much he broke Porschay, that Porschay wanted to actually die but stopped because he thought it would be so selfish for the living, for Benz and Porsche whom refuses to talk to him since he got married.

Porschay missed Porsche so much, he went from always depending on him to living out on his own and he was still not used to it, being by himself was so scary he would sometimes cry himself to sleep every day just thinking about the times when him and Porsche were together and even though poor, they were happy, now he had some money but he was miserable than ever.

Porsche had a right to be angry, the wedding was out of nowhere, Porsche could only agree and didn't like anything, Porsche was a father figure to Porschay and needed his brother the most but no matter how close Porsche was he was always at a distance, he wanted to scream for help each time.

Porschay went to the car waiting outside and sat in the passenger seat and Kim was driving. "You got everything?"

"Yes" Porschay said as he touched his bag, Kim grabbed his bag from him and just put it in the back seat, then came closer to Porschay, which made Porschay a bit scared and close his eyes. But all Kim did was put his seatbelt on, Porschay opened his eyes and saw Kim putting his seatbelt on and pursed his lips.

"I am not going to hurt you" Kim said coldly and then sat back on his own seat and started the car. They both went all the way to his university and when they finally arrived Porschay got out of the car and was about to walk away until Kim pressed his car horn to grab Porschay's attention.

Porschay turned around and Kim was calling for him. Porschay walked to the passenger seat and Kim rolled down his windows. "I will pick you up later, don't be late"

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