Chapter 7: Regrettable Marriage. (18+)

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Benz laid lifeless on the bed as Kla left the room, he was staring up at the ceiling like there was absolutely nothing left in his life. But something was keeping him going, the words Yoon had told him, and the way Yoon sacrificed himself for Benz. Yoon was so brave that Benz had no choice but to be as well. It was now night time and Kla was done using him for the day, as usual his wrist were ties, and he was hit constantly....

A single tear drip down from his face as he looked at the door, his hand tried to reach for it but it was too weak and ended up collapsing. Kla had just left and hadn't cleaned anything up, a used condom was on the bed, lube was on the floor and many things were scattered around the bed, Benz was sticky and hot and because of the drug that has been placed inside his body he felt a sexual desire that he absolutely hated.

By morning time Benz had woken up, his eyes were red from the previous night and the frug still in his body, he was breathing heavily but then noticed someone entered his room, he remained still in his positions. His eyes were closed as the person came forward, the unknown person touched his head gently and Benz fluttered his eyes opened to look at who it was. "Yoon?" Benz said with a weak voice

Yoon looked pretty messed up, his face, his body, he didn't look good at all. Benz cried upon seeing this, he felt so emotional. Being a guy, Benz thought it was pretty useless to cry, he hated it and thought it was girl thing in the past, he was always the one to remain calm in front of his friends, he was always the strong one to help them... but now who will help him? He felt so emotional these past couple of days being trapped in this shithole and being raped constantly and used for others sexual desires. He was like a caged rabbit.

"Hi... shh don't cry. I am okay" Yoon whispered as he looked around cautiously. Benz got up weakly to see if it were real, to see if Yoon was really there.

"Y-your, okay? I-I am so sorry!!! I didn't mean for any of this to happen... please forgive me!" Benz cried as he rushed to Yoon's arms and hugged him. Yoon was so surprised by this move he hugged Benz back. Usually, Yoon being the crazy man that he was hated people hugging him or touching him, but this was new, even when Benz was sticky and dirty Yoon was still hugging Benz.

"Shhh!!! Don't let anyone hear you" Yoon said as he touched Benz face sweetly while wiping his face.

Benz was confused and looked at Yoon softly in the eyes and furrowed a brow, Yoon felt a ting in his heart for some reason but slowly shook it away for the plan he was going to do to Benz. Benz had just gone through so much yesterday... but Yoon wasn't satisfied, he was going to do something worse today that will make Benz so hopeful but then at the last second will crush his spirit.

"W-what is it?" Benz stuttered.

"I know a way out" Yoon whispered, Benz eyes widened in shock at this and his heart began to beat uncontrollably.

"You found... how?" Benz asked him while they still held onto each other strongly.

"I hated what they did to you and me Benz... I have had enough... lets get out of here... together!!" Yoon said with the sweetest smile in the world. Benz looked up at him and smiled back nodding along with Yoon. Benz trusted Yoon so much, because he thought Yoon was like him... trapped in this place. HE didn't know that the person he had trusted the most was the guy who did this to him in the first place.

"Come on... lets get out of here" Yoon said as he gave Benz some clothing which was only a large shirt and boxers, Benz allowed Yoon to change him and Yoon held him by the hand and they went out to the door Yoon had come from. As they entered to the other room that Benz had never been in, he noticed it was an office. He looked at the room and was shocked to see the wall he was always looking at was a one-way mirror, and he always felt someone was looking at him and he was right... the person who did this to him had always kept and eye on him. Benz felt creeped out and self-conscious in that moment.

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