Chapter 24: The actual Truth!!!

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You guys are going to scold me right.... haaahhh yeahhh I know I am sorry!!! I abandoned you guys


It was the next day and Sang woke up bright and early next to the person his new boyfriend. The two have taken it easy with their relationship and have not done anything to go to the next step in being a couple. Fluke was being extra careful Sang's body and although it was sweet and all Sang had to admit that he wanted to go to that next step. HE started smiling at the sleeping Fluke and then frowned when he realized that yesterday Sang tried making moves on Fluke only for Fluke to tuck him into bed like a baby not even laying a finger on him.

Sang got that he was sick, but sick to the point that they weren't able to have sex. Sang sighed and then placed a kiss on his sleeping lover's cheek then made his way to the kitchen for a glass of water. While pouring the water he felt ringing in his ears, he winced in pain and accidently dropped the glass on the floor.

"Aaaaghhhh!!!!" Sang could not handle the pain in his head any longer, tears streamed down his face and he held his head while screaming out loud, suddenly visions popped into his head making him go even crazier than he did before because it felt like something had snapped inside of him. "What is this!!! Go away!!! Go away!!!" Sang cried out but the images and vision kept playing on.


"Mama... why can't I go to school like the other kids?" Young Sang asked his parents who had no face because Sang had forgotten what their face looked like now.

"Because Sang we cant afford your education! Your blasted father already gave me one child... and now I have to deal with you!" He could not see his mother's expression but he knew she was angry because of the way she was gripping his hand as they were on their way to their small tiny house. Suddenly an expensive car pulled up to the house and it was a face he knew... it was his aunts face and she was angry.

"Yaya!" His angry aunt shouted at her and she looked like she was furious she could explode, young Sang who did not know anything at the time hid behind his mother.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't my baby sister Mai!" Yaya said with a mocking voice and she folded her arms.

"Don't look at me with that disgusting face of yours! How could you... he is your..... son" Mai looked so sad an emotional at the mention of Sang's name. She gulped and then smiled at young Sang, she looked and dressed more younger than his mother, she looked around 19 in young Sang's memories. "Hello Sang, I am aunty Mai... why don't you go inside while I talk with your mommy?"

Sang looked up to his mother and she did not look at him at all instead she looked straight into her sister's face with greed and envy. Sang decided it was best to go because he did not want to make his mother angry again by his presence, but secretly he was listening in. "Come to laugh at me... me and poor life"

"I don't have an ounce of sympathy left for you! You did this to yourself; you took Sang out of school and gave your oldest child everything and now created a mountain of dept just to give him what he wanted... and your husband is not even better than you! How could you do this! And just because I have a job in the city does not mean I am rich!!!! HOW COULD YOU EXPECT ME TO PAY THIS AMMOUNT?" Mai shouted angrily and Yaya did not seem moved by her at all.

"Oh, shut up you ungrateful brat! BE happy that me and my mother took you in in the first place! I can't believe MY father went around and slept with a prostitute only to have something like you! You should be grateful that your alive otherwise you would be stuck in that brothel and end up being raped by an old man... or who knows maybe even die! So, you should be grateful, why am I being shouted I am your older sister and I have a right as the oldest... so pay my debt like you've always have... make use of yourself" Yaya scoffed and when young Sang looked over the fence, he could see his aunt on the verge of tears.

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