Chapter 14: The Different but Cold Kim.

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"Okay.... So one more thing before we all go home" Porschay gulped as Sang realized that Porschay never told Benz yet about him and Kim.

"Yeah, I forgot you told me there was more, what's up?" Benz said.

"This will be a bit of a shock to you but... I am married" Porschay said as quickly as possible but Benz stopped walking immediately when he said that.

"Uh... what?" Benz laughed. "Hahahaha, stop playing with me like that. For a second I thought you were telling the truth"

Sang had a serious expression on his face, Benz looked at him while still laughing but then stopped and looked at Porschay who nodded. Benz raised an eyebrow and gasped. "It is true" Sang said.

"No... no" Benz shook his head in disagreement. "Stop playing with me like that!"

"It's the truth" Porschay said sadly.

"IN the 2 months that I have gone... you found someone and decided to get married... without my approval" Benz said in anger. "Your best friends are supposed to vibe with him before we set you up!!! This is the wrong order!"

"Please don't me mad Benz... I couldn't tell you because you weren't here and we couldn't reach you... but please understand... I... I love him" Porschay said and Sang frowned at Porschay's words. Because this time it felt more genuine.

"Is that the truth?" Benz sighed.

"Yeah, ask Sang" Porschay said and Benz looked to Sang and he nodded.

"It sounds like the truth to me" Sang said and Porschay frowned in confusion... he had to admit that this confession had a bit of truth to it.

"I am sorry... but this is all so new to me... its hard to accept" Benz said, he was very angry at everything but he showed a calm face. "Who is he"

"Its actually someone you have seen" Porschay said.

"And that is?" Benz asked.

"HE was the guy in front of the restaurant that day" Porschay closed his eyes ready for Benz to explode.

"YOU MEAN THAT JERK? YOUR MARRIED TO THAT JERK?" Benz shouted and looked at Sang because he couldn't believe Sang accepted it. Sang looked away in regret as well because he didn't stop the marriage.

"He is also the youngest son of the Theerpanyangkul family" Porschay said.

"I don't give a damn who he is... he is a jerk Porschay! The way he treated you was disgusting; you don't deserve that" Benz tried to be calm but he couldn't.

"I know but... he has gotten better" Porschay said and Benz glared at him.

"That's what everyone says... but in the end of the way they just get worse!" Benz shouted and Porschay took it, he knew this would come so he just accepted it. "I can't believe you guys; I am so disappointed"

"Benz, Porschay is truly in love. The best thing we can do is accept it... we've done our job and now its time for Porschay to do his" Sang tried to make it better and it worked because Benz became silent for a minute.

"You told me about them... how they treated Porsche when he came into the family. How you're their cousin, the whole story is messed up and now because of that you are in the middle of everything. And do you know who I blame? Porsche! HE brought you to that house, and he set your fate" Benz argued and Porschay immediately refused.

"No, Porsche is not the one to blame!" Porschay shouted. "It was all my doing; I am the one who got involved with Kim"

"Kim would not have even known you if he didn't take interest in Porsche!! Stop lying to yourself... And I don't give a damn if you are happy with him, that man is a psychopath and what you view as happiness... we all know the truth... we view that as manipulation!!" Benz stated and it hit Porschay in the face which made him silent. "I need to meet the asshole"

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