Chapter 26: Going Separate Ways with a Dear Friend.

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Warning: You will want to kill me.... so yeah.... its been a while since I warned yall



Porschay arrives with Kim at the hospital in a hurry, they saw Fluke and aunt sitting outside of emergency room and Porschay didn't want to cry because he wanted to confirm the news first when he looked at their faces, he could already sense the pain which made his stomach hurt just thinking about what happened to Sang.

"Porschay" Fluke said as he finally noticed the pair arriving.

"Please tell me it is not true.... I am begging you... please" Porschay begged as he held onto Fluke's hand, it was the first time Kim was not very possessive, Kim gave him space to mourn over what happened to his best friend he knew for years.

Fluke remained silent, he did not know how to answer, he looked like a ghost like he did not sleep for days, his eyes were red and his lips were white he looked the worst because he was the one who witnessed it and knew the reason on why he did it. Soon, Ohm and Aat came over, they ran hand in hand with Ohm also trying not to cry but barely. As Ohm saw Porschay's weak face looking at the ground he shook his head, he could not believe it.

"No, you're lying!!! Your actually lying! Its not funny stop it Chay" Ohm begged as well; they both wished it were a lie. Ohm looked to Aat who looked at him and the two embraced because Ohm could not handle the weight of the news of what happened to Sang.

"Thank you for coming" A woman said, Porschay rushed to hug the woman because she too much be feeling a lot of pain, she hugged him back, she looked to Ohm whom she never met and smiled sadly. "I believe we haven't met... my name is Mai... Sang's aunt"

"I am so sorry" Ohm said about Sang.

"Can you please tell us how this happened! What made him decide to do all this? Because I was just on the phone with Sang yesterday and he seemed so normal.... I never would have guessed he would do something like this. Sang is not the type" You could hear Chay getting so worked up that Kim had to comfort him by stroking his back so he could calm down.

"Yes... I too never expected Sang to do this. But bad things always has a way of finding the most innocent souls and devouring them, never knew it would effect Sang this much. He was an emotional person who hid his feelings afraid of being made fun of. Grew up without a mother or father, but never complained because he thought he was being too greedy by getting so much from me... but I actually did nothing, I am to blame for what happened to him and I wish I could give him more... but Sang always refused. I love that boy like he is my own... it.... I-it ugh sorry" She began to cough out loud because she felt like she was going to cry, Fluke rushed by her side and ushered her to sit down.

"I called someone over" Fluke told her and just then a face she had never met in so many years appeared in front of her.

"Mai...." He said in a soft loving voice, Mai could no believe it she looked up slowly to find Tharn, who had grown old like her but the two still had a lot of youth left.

"Benz...." Chay asked Fluke and Fluke nodded.

"I contacted him... he is on his way" Fluke said and Chay felt even more relieved.

"Fluke, please tell us more.... How did you find his body?" Ohm asked, he felt as though he was going to vomit from everything because his anxiety levels were rising but he wanted to listen to the story so he had to be strong.

"Everything seemed normal, you all visited him in the hospital after he got all of his memories back... I told you all what happened us being childhood friends, what his mother did and what aunt Mai did after that. It was just when Dr Bai left the room for Sang to rest, Sang left his brain dead state and mustered up the strength to take the pills that was left accidently and he consumed it. By the time I arrived t-their.... This is hard I am sorry" Fluke began to choke up and Chay too had to close his eyes because tears did not stop forming, it was uncontrollable.

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