Chapter 4: Pain from the Aftermath.

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Current Day...

Porschay lay lifeless on the bed, he couldn't move at all, his body felt week and he couldn't believe what Kim did to him, a single tear came out of eye as he looked at the window, it was now morning and Kim gave no mercy to Porschay, he kept on going until the morning. But Porschay couldn't think of himself, he only thought of Benz and what happened to him to because of Porschay, Porschay was blaming himself.

Porschay blinked a few times and continued to remain unmoving, he had a headache, his body was bruised, his face was had a slap mark, his nose had dry blood as well as his lips. Porschay's hair was messy, and the blanket was on the floor revealing his naked body which wasn't any better than his face. Blue marks every day, scratch marks, and the bed was full of blood from his open wound in his core.

"You're still not getting up?" Kim who just came back from smoking in the balcony said. He was only wearing his black pants, he came in with a smile and sat next to Porschay, slowly brushing Porschay's hair like nothing happened, Porschay glared at Kim and pushed his hand away.

Porschay refused to talk to him, he moved slowly to the other side of the bed and got up almost collapsing on the floor but he stayed strong, he felt that it was not right of him to feel weak, because Benz was going through something worse because of him.

"Are you not going to talk to me?" Kim scoffed as he also had his back turned away from Porschay. Porschay put on his pants, and his tshirt and left the bedroom, he couldn't look Kim in the eye. He heard Porsche's voice from downstairs and his heart began to pound, he felt too ashamed to look at Porsche so he walked quickly to his room, but the feeling wasn't good.

Once Porschay got to his room he locked the door and slowly knowing he was safe he finally allowed himself to cry and he sat at the door. He wanted to scream out loud but he couldn't, so he let out a silent cry. His eyes were red, he was hurting and the man he once idolized caused all this pain.

Porschay hugged himself and put his head on the floor while trying to remain strong but everything was too painful, he gripped the carpet and wanted to kill himself. He thought about killing himself but then remembered Porsche his brother, Benz his best friend and Sang!! If he leaves Benz is going to suffer even more. Porschay had no choice but to bear with it for as long as he could, for Benz.

"Porschay?" He heard someone call from the door, they tried to get in but it was locked. It was Porsche and he was knocking the door.

Porschay's eyes widened and got up slowly, he tried to calm himself and answer the best he could. "Y-yes" Porschay sniffled.

"Is something wrong? Why is the door locked?" Porsche asked in concern. Porschay got up from the floor and straightened himself out so he could calm down.

"No, no!! I am fine" Porschay tried to sound light.

"Really, why is the door closed?" Porsche asked from the other side of the door.

"I am changing!!" Porschay said and Porsche sighed.

"You don't have to lock the door" Porsche said as he still tried to get in but Porschay didn't want to face Porsche at all, he was ashamed and embarrassed of his appearance and state he was in.

"Last time someone walked into the room while I was changing, I don't want it to happen again" Porschay said as an excuse and Porsche frowned.

"Someone saw my little brother naked!!! WHO!!! TELL ME AND I WILL BEAT THEM UP!" Porsche yelled in anger.

"Its okay, it was just an accident" Porschay tried so hard to make Porsche leave.

"Was is it Pol??? Arm???!!!" Porsche said.

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