Chapter 1: Nowhere to Run. (18+)

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WARNNING: Violence, Abuse, Rape and Bad Language. Those who are sensitive to this, I suggest you do not read this! I warned you, don't come after me after reading this! I warned you... so here we go!


"Kim... please!!! Stop I beg you!!" Porschay cried out as Kim began to take off his clothes, Porschay was struggling under Kim's heavy body strangling him. Porschay was crying and he was bruised all over, he was scared and couldn't believe that the man he once idolized was doing this to him.

"I will show you what happened to people who disobey me!" Kim said while stripping Porschay completely naked. Porschay felt embarrassed and disgusted and looked at the man looking down at his body like he was going to eat him alive, Porschay looked away, he couldn't at all face Kim.

"I thought you said you didn't love me!" Porschay cried, covering his body from Kim.

"I don't need to love you to do this!" Kim sneered as he smashed his lips into Porschay's trying desperately to slip his tongue. Porsche tried to push Kims body away from him but not matter how hard he tried Kim was not moving he stayed their while his hand began to squeeze his arm hard, causing his arm to become purple.

Tears continued to stream down his face and he couldn't breathe so he opened his mouth allowing Kim's tongue to enter his. "Ah!" Porsche said in surprise, he hated this feeling so he bit Kim's tongue.

"Ugh!" Kim said as he let go of Porschay's lips. "You dare do this to me!"

"Please, I am begging you... stop!!! I promise I will listen; I promise!!!" Porschay begged Kim desperately but Kim was not happy, he touched the blood dripping from his mouth and glared at Porschay. Porschay's eyes widened as he noticed Kim's hand began to lift. He was horrified, just then Kim slapped Porschay across the face and Porschay's tears stopped flowing, he was in shock.

"You like to bite huh? Fine, I will teach this dog how to behave!" Kim got up from bed suddenly and Porschay looked up to where Kim was going, Porschay was too scared to move, he was stuck. He was afraid that if he moved Kim would do something even worse.

Kim came back from his cupboard with a rope and a few other things. Porschay scrambled to the headboard of the bed and held onto it. Kim hoped on bed while taking off his shirt and then grabbed Porschay's hair roughly and smashed his head into the pillow.

"OW!!!" Porschay screamed. His voice couldn't be heard anymore because he was being suffocated by the pillow. Kim let go of his head because he needed to tie Porschays hands behind his back. Once he successfully did that, he grabbed a hold of Porschays head one more time and made Porschay sit on his knees.

Kim smirked at the sight of Porschay and then held his beautiful face. "Be a good boy" Kim said in a deep voice, Kim then took another thing that he took from the cupboard and put on a gag toy on his mouth and threw him back on the bed. Porschay couldn't see what was going on, be he felt something touch his bottom. Kim spread Porschays butt and placed something big and hard on the entrance. Suddenly without warning Kim slammed himself into Porschay causing Porschay's eyes to widen in shock.

Porschay screamed but couldn't talk because of the gag toy, he couldn't help but start crying again. The pain and the pressure was so much to handle that he felt he was going to break. "Fuck, so tight! Relax!" Kim hit Porschay's butt in anger.

Kim then grabbed Porschay hair one more time and then went in and out of Porschay slowly adjusting his large length. Blood was seeping out and it turned Kim on even more. Porschay's hand squeezed the bed sheets, the pain was both in his head and his back. Kim began violently pounding himself into Porschay, and moaning out loud.

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