Chapter 29: Missing You

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5 months later...

"Kim, open the door... we haven't seen you since the funeral... please Kim. Were all worried about you!" Ren who was at the door of Kim's apartment knocked on the door hard.

"Still nothing?" Yoon asked and Ren nodded.

"I have carrots!" Ren said but that too didn't work.

"Alright Kim, were coming in whether you like it or not!" Yoon shouted on the other side of the door and then signaled to a worker who worked for these apartments as a cleaner and she opened the door for them, as soon as they walked in however a stench filled the air which made all of them gasp out loud and hold their noses almost wanting to get out again. But they pulled through and walked inside.

"Kim?" They all said together and then saw a figure standing and looking outside the window, they looked at him and looked sad instantly.

"Were here buddy" Yoon said and walked closer to Kim, you could see him in a wheelchair still, he wore a blanket on his body with a thick jacket, he also had a thick bearded and his hair grew longer with a drink in his hand looking depressed as ever. Meanwhile both Ren and Yoon had both looked different as well, both look a bit older and mature, they looked responsible and they looked like they had their life in order. Yoon even came out of his playboy persona of always smirking and having that know-it-all look, the ones the girl went crazy over and Ren too, looked decent.

"You still haven't gone for treatment? Kim... what are you doing?" Ren said in disappointment, everyone was moving on with their lives but Kim was stuck and refused to move.

"What are you guys doing here?" Kim said in an angry voice.

"We came to check on you, we've never seen you since the funeral which was 5 months ago" Yoon said and Kim refused to look at them.

"And I told you not to visit me and here you are! I don't want to talk... leave!" Kim shouted at them and they sighed as they sat on the couch next to Kim's wheelchair. "This wheelchair will forever be my consequence of what I did... Porschay and my brother had to pay the price"

"So... you want to continue being disabled?" Yoon asked. "There are ways to cure this, the doctor said it was possible, you just need to be their!"

"I DON'T WANT TO!" Kim yelled and as he looked at their face finally, he calmed down and sighed. "Listen... of course you would worry.... You weren't the ones who lost a brother and a lover on the same day"

"Kim... I lost Benz and I can't even reach Hom, you know I did. And Kinn was like our older brother me and Ren mourned when he died, we all grew up together" Yoon said and Ren nodded in support.

"Well... it wasn't enough, cause clearly you both look fine... even Porsche... he moved on!" Kim became angry. "Tankhun as well... he mourned for what? 3.... 4 weeks? And then he carried on like nothing happened"

"But Kinn... that's normal, some people grieve in different ways... and how do you know Porsche is still not Mourning. He had to step up, after both you and Tankhun refused to take of the main house and take the ring Kinn wore" Ren said and Kim scoffed.

"I am not going to follow what my father wanted from me... he wanted to give me that ring... and betray Kinn! I am not doing that, I am not going to feed into his greed, I am not going to satisfy the old man... not after what he did!" Kim said in a nasty way and took a chug of his drink and threw it on the floor, it did not faze Yoon or Ren.

"Don't worry... you won't have to deal with Korn anymore, he stepped down from his..." Yoon stopped as Kim started laughing.

"Do you not know my father? He fucking lies day and night... are you certain that he quit meddling?" Kim asked them and they remained silent. "Listen guys I don't need your pity, what I need is Porschay...."

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