Chapter 30: The wait is over.

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Wow I cannot believe we are already at chapter 30!!!! I never expected to write this much honesty, i thought i would finish all this in chapter 20 but you guys have been so amazing, so positive, so supportive and I love you guys shouting me like my mom!! Truly amazing!!! Thank you so much for reading and being here since chapter 1, you guys are legends love youuuuu!!!

Thanks for motivating me! Without you all and second author I would not have done all this!!! ENJOYYY!! HOPEFULLY YOU LOVE THISSS!!!


"So, do you guys need any help down here?" Benz asked his staff and they all shook their heads.

"No, its fine we got it all under control Boss, relax and take care of your daughter!! Besides you just finished University at Harvard; do you know how hard that is?" Nero said and everyone nodded and cheered for Benz who blushed.

"Oh gosh guys, you sure know how to get on my good side" Benz looked at them suspiciously.

"Hahahaha, does that mean we are getting bonuses?" Nero asked with a smirk and Benz scoffed.

"I knew it! Get back to work guys" Benz said and then they all laughed and continued to work. Benz sat by Porschay and Hoya with Baby Daw on his lap.

"Dada!!" Daw's tiny hand reached out for Benz large hand and looked up at her father with pouty eyes and he immediately knew what she wanted.

"You want foody?" Benz said and Daw nodded and Porschay frowned.

"I honestly can't get used to speaking in baby... Foody? What is that?" Porschay made fun and Benz shot him a glare.

"Don't speak like that in front of Daw, come on my princess, I will give you your favorite yogurt" Benz said with a sweet smile at his daughter. "Nero!!"

"Yes, Boss?" Nero said coming to Benz.

"Can you please get me a blueberry yogurt, the one Daw likes?" Benz asked nicely, Nero nodded and went into the kitchen to come back with blueberry yogurt, Nero went down on his knees, gave Benz the yogurt and kissed Daw's tiny baby hands which made her giggle and snatch her hand.

"Enjoy eating princess" Nero said and as he got up he looked up at Hoya with a smile and left to help out customers.

"What was that?" Hoya said and Porschay spat out his drink.

"Girl, that was flirting!!! Nahhhh, marry him now!!! Marry the fu- I mean marry him!!!!" Porschay controlled himself from swearing in front of Daw. After 3 years in America, he was so different, he had a bit of the original Porschay, where he was confident and strong but now, he got a laid-back attitude, he is a bit sly and sassy.

"Oh my gosh that was different, he is usually so shyyyy" Hoya said and Porschay nodded. "What should I do... damnn!!! I am usually the one who teases him, how the fu- heck did he... whats going on?" Hoya was shocked and began fanning her face.

"Is it getting hot in here?" Porschay teased and Hoya hit him with the hand she used to fan her face.

"I have decided, he shall be the father of my children!" Hoya declared and Benz as well as Porschay was shocked.

"Okay... chill! Deep breaths, I mean I said it as a joke... you're considering it?" Porschay was beyond shook.

"Oh honey, when I want something... I really want it.... And that something will be mine! I can picture our children" Hoya smirked and looked at the back of Nero's head.

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