Chapter 28: Finally leaving

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Benz sat on the bed once he finished shower after meeting with Yoon downstairs, he kept thinking about that moment where he rejected Yoon once and for all and he did not feel guilt, he felt he had full control of his life, he was free with no one to use him like his ex did or Yoon, he felt as though weight has been taken off his shoulders finally and he can finally breath, even growing up with a large family like his he was suffocated. This was the first in years Benz could rest, could think on his own and it felt great to him.

(A/N: I am feeling so good today because I am listening to Moves like Jagger, my family is giving me looks right now because I am dancing while writing this lol!!!!! I guess whatever type of song I listen to depends on the mood of the story I am writing or the chapter be it depressing or fun. Right now, Benz is happy so I am happy...)

Benz looked at his phone and saw he got a message by Hom his ex-girlfriend. Benz did not know how Yoon ended up in the group in the first place or how Yoon ended up being close to his ex during her pregnancy, but he was a huge help, he was supportive, he helped her find a stable job and helped her overcome her stress along with Benz. But he saw a message saying that Hom was on her way to his apartment, Benz opened the door just in time, she smiled and invited herself in shaking his head.

"Never change huh?" Benz laughed.

"Shush I am pregnant" Hom said and sat on the couch.

"How is baby doing?" Benz asked.

"Baby is fine, I am fine... how are you" Hom said and looked at Benz bright expression.

"I am doing really great" Benz said and hom smiled.

"You look great! Whats up?" Hom asked and Benz sighed.

"Well, a lot" Benz didn't want to go further.

"Is Yoon still pursuing you?" Hom asked and Benz closed his eyes and she knew. "When are you going to say yes!!! He is cute~~"

"Umm... I rejected him" Benz said honestly making Hom gasp.

"You did... not!" Hom said and Benz nodded.

"I did"

"You motherfucker! You could have remained unemployed rich boyfriend for the rest of your life if you accepted him!" Hom said and Benz raised an eyebrow.

"You do that... I am perfectly comfortable going back to the way things were... I like it here... its peaceful, his world is loud and every ten seconds you get shocked about something new to the point it wont even faze you anymore. you just get used to hearing terrible things and that's not nice, that's not how I was raised Hom" Benz said seriously and Hom frowned.

"Okay, chill! I get it" Hom laughed and held her hands up for him to stop from talking.

"Besides how did you and Yoon even become so close?" Benz asked me.

"He just did, he gives me things for no reason, doesn't ask anything in return. Shocking for a rich guy right? Cause usually they want to be paid back" Hom said.

"Don't jinx it" Benz said and Hom nodded.

"But he is way more supportive about this baby thing than I thought.... I though he would hate me for being your ex-girlfriend... who I am sorry... who used you" Hom said and Benz gave her weird look.

"I am trying not to think like that, okay! So don't make me randomly sue you" Benz threatened.

"Yeah, can't afford suing at the moment!!! What are you turning over a new leaf? Decided to become a monk and chop your balls off?" Hom asked.

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