Chapter 19: Trusting you (18+)

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I said I was going to do a long chapter but well..... I ran out of things to write ehehehehehe, my brain decided to give up on me so here ya goooo.... dont worry next chapter will be extra long. 

Hey dont blame me, blame the second author... she abandoned me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am kidding!! HeartOfSaturn_ bestie?? Where did you go!!!????

I am sorry D (pollygraey9), I said two chapters... but I am super busy...


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Yoon whispered into Benz ear softly, Benz felt shivers all around just when Yoon had said that. They had made it so far and were now in Benz apartment room, clothes off and in the bed room. Benz at that moment let go of everything, grabbed Yoon by the neck and kissed him.

"Hurry up..." Benz whispered back. Yoon had a hopeful look on his face, all he wanted was Benz, was this the moment he would have him forever? But the truth is Benz was drunk and doing everything on impulse, he was super drunk to the point he would pass out any moment but Yoon was too blinded by love and lust to let go of Benz.

"Don't regret this later on" Yoon sad as he grinded his exposed length onto Benz's stomach and slowly Benz thing started to wake up slowly.

"Nghhh...." Benz bit his finger as Yoon began to kiss his neck, smelling the sweet scent of the person under him.

"Mhmm" Yoon licked the spot he was kissing, and then slowly bit the area causing Benz to wince in pain but he did not stop anything, he allowed Yoon to keep on going. While kissing Benz chest, Benz threw his arms and legs around Yoon, and Yoon grabbed Benz erect length and began stroking it up and down. Benz squeezed Yoon's arm and although it was slow it was perfect.

"Aahhh" Benz could not hold in his moan, so he covered his mouth with his hands.

"I wanna hear you" Yoon said with a raspy voice as he took Benz hand away from his mouth and then stopped stroking Benz length.

Benz looked down with a sad face. "Why?" Benz asked why Yoon had stopped, Yoon heartbeat intensified and looked at the aroused Benz closely before doing anything else, Benz had a flushed face and his body was moving on its own, he was moving his hips so Yoon could continue cause Yoon to almost lose his mind at the sight of Benz.

"Aghhh, you're going to drive me crazy!" Yoon said as he bit his lips and then went down to Benz waist and put Benz length into his mouth.

Benz was taken by surprise. "No, aghhh its dirty" Benz tried to move Yoon's head but Yoon just sped up even more causing Benz to arch his back in pleasure. "Aaahhh Yoon"

At the mention of his name Yoon was even more pleased and moved his head up and down on Benz length, and Benz hand gripped onto Yoon's hair. Yoon had never done this for anyone, this was the first time, so for Benz he would give his all and he didn't care about anything.

"Mhmmm Yoon.... Stop... aghhh Yoon" Benz moaned his name and Yoon did not stop, Benz was almost near his end and Yoon could feel it because Benz length was twitching in anticipation. The air was hot and Benz breathing increased. "Yoon I am going to cum.... Aaaghhh"

Just Yoon took Benz length out of his mouth and cum went all over Yoon's face. Benz closed his eyes and began breathing in relief as he let go of everything he held in for weeks. He could not have been happier at that moment and forgot all his worries and pains just being with Yoon.

Benz opened his eyes and saw Yoon's face covered in his cum, his eyes widened even though fully drunk he reached for the tissues and wiped it off him. "I am sorry"

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