Chapter 17: Revenge!

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Warning: At the end its very nasty... just leaving this here!!! *evil laugh*

Yoon arrived at the university Porschay goes to on his motorbike, he got off and looked around the area with an annoyed expression as he took off his helmet and wore his gasses and cap. He began to stretch and get ready to find information about Kim's lover.

"He could just ask anyone else... but nooo... he asks me! Like I have all the time in the world! I am still going through treatment on my therapy!" Yoon began to nag to himself causing many people to look at him in a weird way, so he just smiled at them and laughed awkwardly. And since they did not know what he looked like due to his disguise they all thought he was a creep and began to walk away from him.

Yoon rolled his eyes and put his hands into his denim jacket then walked around like he owned the place; he took out his phone and followed Porschay's tracker which Kim installed in Porschay to find out what was going on. Yoon came to an abrupt stop when something caught his eyes, his heart quenched and he felt weak like he would drop on the floor any moment at the sight in front of him.

His eyes widened under the glasses and he bit his lip at the sight of Benz Chaisai the love of his life whom he is getting help just to be with, his therapist told him not to meet him until he gets better and, Yoon was dying over the instructions Baifern had given him, but soon as time went on he thought he was fine not seeing Benz... but he was lying to himself.

He looked up at Benz and he felt like his whole world came to a stop, everything froze around him and he realized that he was missing something so great, Benz who had a concerned look and walked around the university frantically while showing something on his phone to different people. Finally Benz came over to Yoon who was stuck in the same position because he did not know what to do when he saw Benz.

"Excuse me, have you seen this guy! He is short, his name is Porschay... excuse me!" Benz tried to get Yoon's attention. Yoon snapped out of his dazed expression and sorted himself out. HE began to breath deeply as he gulped. Benz frowned at the sight of Yoon and realized finally who it was.

"Yoon...?" Benz said softly and just then Yoon felt like his heart leaped out of his chest as Benz said his name in a sweet voice he craved for, he wished he heard often, he could not live without Benz.... Right at that moment he realizes it was impossible to live without Benz.

"Ahahaha.... Benz, long time no see" Yoon said with a smile as he took off his glasses, Benz frantic expression remained and he began to avoid eye contact with Yoon.

"What are you doing here?" Benz said halfheartedly and Yoon realized why.

"Benz... listen" Yoon said and Benz stopped him.

"If you came for a fight! I don't want to hear about it, that day when we had.... Sex.... I was not in the right mind, I was confused... and I am sorry Yoon if I gave you mixed signals but I have a girlfriend, and you should respect that" Benz said and Yoon stopped talking for a moment. He looked at Benz in disbelief as his hand tried to reach for him, because he never touched Benz in ages, but it stopped at the thought of making Benz uncomfortable... yes, he now had that feeling due to his therapy, it really was working.

In the past Yoon would not have any second thoughts before dominating or killing someone, now he has begun to have feeling he had never experienced before with Benz.

"I understand..." Yoon said as he looked down sadly.

"What?" Benz said in a confused voice.

"Benz... I can't lie to you; I really like you but I understand and will give you space that you need" Yoon said and Benz began to relax his expression a bit. "I won't bother you anymore, I am sorry I made you feel uncomfortable"

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