Chapter 6: The Shotgun Marriage Proposal

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"Are you going to tell them, or should I?" Kim asked Porschay with his folded arms leaning against the door to the dining room where everyone was currently in. "Because I don't have the time for you being slow!"

"I-I will" Porschay said as he looked down nervously. Kim rolled his eyes and opened the door to the dining room then came in with a fake smile, Porschay also came in with a smile and everyone wasn't even paying attention to them.

"Ah, Porschay your finally here. I just told Dad that you are not moving" Porsche said happily to Porschay.

"Very wise choice Porschay, this place is the perfect place for you and Porsche to stay in. Its safe with no threats from the outside world, and there is nothing dangerous with in the walls of my house" Korn said happily and clapped his hands, Tankhun raised an eyebrow at took of his glasses.

"Expect for guns... and bombs that can literally go off any second" Tankhun reminded them and Korn laughed awkwardly.

"Shut up Tankhun!" Porsche whispered to Tankhun, but Porschay heard anyways.

"There is actually a reason I decided not to go yet" Porschay suddenly interrupted everyone's celebration.

"Yet?" Porsche said with his eyes widened.

"Theirs a reason?" Kinn said shockingly as well. Ever since Porschay moved in, they have all been treating Porschay liked their son and little brother, so they all talk comfortably with him. But no one had noticed that only one of them was treating Porschay badly, and not as a brother at all.

"The truth is... me and Kim... were secretly in a relationship" Porschay said and just then silence went throughout the room. Everyone froze in their spots, and Kim was the only one who sat back and smirked.

"AHAHAHAHA" Porsche laughed because he didn't believe anything Porschay just said, he pointed to Kim and then looked at Kinn and couldn't stop laughing. Arm and Pol as well as Tankhun were joining Porsche in laughing.

"This isn't a joke" Kim suddenly said causing Porsche to stop once again.

"Ha... ha... what do you mean? This has to be a joke" Porsche looked at Porschay seriously.

"This is true, we have been dating for a couple of months now.... Y-you can try to ask Pete, he knows" Porschay said and then Porsche couldn't believe it and crossed his arms and glared at Kim.

"There is no way that my little brother is dating that piece of shit!! You stuttered Porschay, everyone knows you can't lie!!" Porsche shouted at the two, Porschay looked to Kim who still had the same smile. Kim sat up and looked deeply into Porschay's eyes and put one hand behind Porschay's back and another on Porschay's thigh.

"That's because he is scared to tell you" Kim said in an innocent voice, Porschay gulped as Kim's grip on his thigh became tighter.

"Y-yes!! I am... I am in.... I am in love with Kim" Porschay couldn't at all say it, but managed to make it sound real. Porsche closed his eyes and took a deep breath trying to think of what to say next. Kinn was next to him massaging Porsche to try to make him stay calm.

"How long did you say you dated Porschay?" Porsche said slowly causing everyone to feel a bit scared, his arura was dark and red and it looked like wanted to kill even with his eyes still closed.

"Since Porschay was 18" Kim said and immediately Porsche's eyes opened and a huge thud sounded through the entire dining hall, Porschay hit his hand hard on the table because he was furious.

"You mean to say... you went after my brother... WHILE HE WAS STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!!" Porsche screamed furiously as he got up knocking down the chair with him causing another large thud. Kinn got up to try to calm down Porsche.

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