Chapter 11: Scary Memories!! (18+)

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Warning: Not really a warning... its better this time.... So yeah... you guys don't have to panic!!!

"Sang, what's wrong?" Porschay shook Sang in class. Sang suddenly stopped what he was doing and began to shiver uncontrollably just as the professor left the room, half the students had already left and Porschay stayed behind trying to get Sang to snap out of it.

A tear slipped down Sang's face unconsciously and Sang snapped out of it just then. "W-what... what happened?"

"Oh my gosh, Sang are you alright?" Porschay said with his hands on his friend's shoulder in concern.

"Y-yeah... I am fine. Why do you say that" Sang said like everything was normal, but clearly nothing was normal.

"Sang, you were shaking, your palms were sweaty and you were really cold" Porschay said putting a hand on Sang's forehead to feel his temperature. "Are you sick?"

Sang moved Porschay's hand and shook his head. "No, I am fine"

"Sang, you are clearly not alright!" Porschay said. "Tell me what's going on! You were there for me, now I want to be there for you"

"Nothing, lets just go" Sang said as he picked up his bag from the ground and began to walk out of the room, Porschay followed behind him and caught up to him but was still not convinced.

"Sang, this is the second time this week this has happened, what is going on?" Porschay said while they were on their way to the cafeteria.

"What's going on?" Fluke said when they arrived at the table. "I got you guys food"

"Something is wrong with Sang... oh and thank you" Porschay said while sitting down.

"Its nothing serious Porschay, it just happens sometimes" Sang said.

"This happened before?" Porschay said in shock.

"Ugh... wait I am going to the bathroom for a minute" Sang said and Porschay was about to follow him until Fluke stopped him.

"Don't stop me Fluke, Sang has always been their for me and I have hardly been their for him. I have no idea what he is going through and I feel like a bad friend who's not even caring what my friend is going through! Its not right!" Porschay said in anger but Fluke still held onto his hand to stop him from going to follow Sang.

"I also feel like its unhealthy of Sang to not talk about this with anyone... and to keep it all to himself" Fluke said and Porschay frowned as Fluke let go of his hand catching his attention which made Porschay sit back down again.

"You know what's going on?" Porschay said and Fluke nodded.

"Yeah, I knew for quite some time" Fluke said and Porschay agreed to listen.

"Tell me" Porschay said sternly.

"Actually... Sang has a heart problem... and he has someone else's liver inside of him, sometimes it's hard for him to breath so he carries an inhaler which he secretly takes to not worry you or your friend Benz since high school. He takes medicine every day before every meal, and that's why he went to the bathroom right now... I don't know if its my place to tell you how he has all of these problems but... since you are his best friend and the person who he is most close with, I feel that it is only right for you to know" Fluke said and Porschay was in absolute shock, his mouth was open and he looked like he was crying.

"What?" Porschay shook his head in disbelief. "He has been... he has been hiding that for so long...? Since school?"

"Yes" Fluke said sadly.

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