Chapter 16: Changes(18+)

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Porschay woke up from his deep sleep and felt unknown pain everywhere, he got up and looked around his room he shared with Kim in confusion. "How did I get here?" Porschay asked himself as he slowly tried to get off the bed but realized finally that Kim was beside him on the floor holding his hand. Porschay's eyes widened at the sight of this. He looked down at Kim and slowly touched his head, he was fast asleep. "Was he here the whole time?"

Kim was so peaceful in his sleep, but it looked like he was tired because he had dark circles under his eyes and he was gripping Porschay's hand very tightly not wanting to let go no matter how hard Porschay tugged it. Porschay sighed then came a bit closer to Kim to check on him, he was beautiful and Porschay was mesmerized. Kim felt movement and his eyes burst open ins surprise as he saw Porschay look down at him. His eyes were widened in shock and he sighed in relief. "Porschay, your awake?"

"Yeah... ahh, why are you on the ground?" Porschay asked. "And how did I get home"

"Drink some water first" Kim said as he hurriedly stood up and brought a glass of water from the kitchen to Porschay.

"I don't remember coming home, and I don't remember drinking" Porschay said and Kim just patted his hair slowly without saying a word. "Kim, what is going on"

"Nothing, you don't have to worry about that, everything is fine" Kim said and Porschay frowned suspiciously.

"Did something bad happen yesterday?"" Porschay asked one more time and Kim gave him the usual stern look he always gave which made Porschay flinch.

"Do not ask anymore useless questions Porschay, lets go eat!" Kim said and Porschay remained silent as he got off the bed to go and eat, he looked at the time and it was already the afternoon.

"Oh my gosh! I AM LATE FOR UNI!!" Porschay screamed in panic, he didn't know what happened yesterday but whatever it was made him super tired and unable to wake for quite some time.

"Porschay!" Kim called sternly once again knocking Porschay out of his panicked expression.

"What?" Porschay said with a sigh because he was tired of Kim using that tone with him.

"I already informed everyone you are not going today" Kim said and Porschay's mouth opened in shock.

"Why? Kim, you know how important university is to me? Why didn't you wake me up?" Porschay said in an agreeing voice.

"Well, I didn't want to wake you up. I was busy with something" Kim said and Porschay sighed in frustration as he got off the bed, something was seriously going on. "Stay there"

"Why? Kim, you're making me very confused, what on earth is going on? You're treating me like I am sick or dying or something!" Porschay said and Kim didn't say a word before he disappeared into the kitchen and Porschay got up to check his reflection in the mirror.

"Did he put some weird drug on me?" Porschay said and began to look at his skin to see if he had hickeys or to see if he was sore anywhere. When Kim came back, he came back with a food tray in his hands and Porschay looked at him with a surprised expression. Kim looked at Porschay standing and he glared immediately, Porschay chuckled awkwardly when he realized why Kim was glaring at him.

"Sit!" Kim ordered and Porschay sat back down obediently.

"I am sitting... I am sitting" Porschay said already becoming sweaty at the angry Kim. Kim put the tray on the table next to the bed then grabbed the bed table and put it in front of Porschay without saying anything and then placed the tray on top of it, Porschay looked at the food and gulped, he felt like he had not eaten in days.

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