Chapter 5: Unexpected Plans.

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"Boss he kept screaming my ears hurt!!!" Sun the old man said to Yoon.

"Isn't it just because your old?" The young tall man Kla said, causing everyone to laugh except for Yoon.

"You guys have come here to work, not to play around" Yoon said with a serious tone.

"How is the kid?" Yoon asked as he fixed his long hair into a pony tail. Yoon was a tall man who always wore a suit, he had long hair that was cut off by the side and sometimes wore sunglasses indoors and out. He was handsome and very rich being Kim's closest and best friend.

"He is alright, the drug hasn't killed him..." The chubby Dom said with a sinister expression.

"The drug isn't meant to kill, it's meant attract, and bring out one's sexual desire!! It has been working just great" Yoon said to Dom who looked down after being scolded.

"How long will we be playing with him?" Fah the crazy short kid said.

"For as long as I want! If I get bored Ill throw him away, there won't be any use for him then" Yoon sighed as he sat down in his office chair surrounded by people, he hired to do the job. "Now stop talking like we know each other, it's annoying me!"

"Yes, boss!!" They all said in unison together. Yoon opened his screen to reveal another room, a room where Benz was being kept in. He had no blanket on him to cover his naked body, his body looked so bad but Yoon didn't feel sorry for him. He was looking at Benz like he was a wild animal in a cage on display. Yoon smiled at his new pet and came closer to the glass, this glass was a special glass where on Benz side you can't see what's on the other side... but on Yoon's side you could see everything.

It was something the FBI had and Yoon required through the help of some friends. A knock on the door came and Yoon spun his chair around to see who had arrived, it was Ren, his and Kim's other friend who as half American.

"Hello, hello!!" Ren said in his American accent.

"You guys may leave!" Yoon said seriously to them and they made their way out quietly.

"How are the guys I sent you?" Ren asked as he sat down on the couch. Yoon got up from his chair to join Ren in the sitting area of his office.

"Not bad, but they are a bit loud" Yoon said in annoyance.

"Geez, look at you! Always judging the guys, I pick, never satisfied" Ren laughed and Yoon rolled his eyes.

"Unlike you I grew up in prestigious house, you grew up with gangsters" Yoon said and Ren couldn't deny it, Ren was over the top and hyper, meanwhile Yoon was calm and collected. But both of their families were equally rich in both their illegal and legal business.

"Anyways, how's the drug working?" Ren asked as he looked at the window where Benz was.

"As usual, your drugs are one of a kind, they worked too well" Yoon chuckled. "It only just went in him and it was already starting to take effect, he was... how do you say?.... erotic? He can't even move from the bed"

Ren laughed as well. "Erotic? Hey, I know you took a video, send it to me"

"Of course, I asked Kim if he wanted the video but he only wanted a pick... what a pity, well at least the tape won't go to waste since we will watch it" Yoon said and Ren nodded in agreement.

"How is Kim anyways? I haven't heard from him in a bit" Ren yawned.

"As usual Kim is dealing with his own problems, and wont call us unless it's for business and something he needs" Yoon said.

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