Chapter 27: I AM DONE, KIM! (18+)

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(Hello guys, I am finally back... I am so sorry for this long break, but now I am done dealing with my personal business and I will go back to writing and responding to you guys amazing and sweet messages and thanks for being supportive... even when I am gone for this long you guys have continued to be AMAZING!!! And I am so greatful!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA NOW I AM BACK YOU WILL ALL SUFFERRRRRR!!!!!!! Yes, your fav crazy author is back giving yall a headache. Love you guys, I missed you guys a ton!!!! But the drama doesn't end here, and I am kind of annoyed with my own work...

Because of all the drama, makes me want to delete a few chapters, because so many things happened, and it's a lot to take in... but one thing I am not ashamed of is the number of characters I have okay!!!! I love a big cast k, I love bombarding people and making people feel overwhelmed like how I am all the time because of how I have to memorize shit! Heheheheh! So many people are complaining about the characters being too much... but listen... I love em... you don't have to. Their all family and I love big families.... Wow... my family being big may have affected this but anyways.... Enough with all the freaking writing and get back to the actual story. I MISS YALLLL!!!!)

Warning: This is going to be a big mess, VIOLENCE, HEARTBREAK, Rape, Bad language. Those who are sensitive to these kinds of things I highly suggest you get the fuck out of this FF!!!! No for real, leave! Because I don't want no hate from you guys, I am too sensitive myself. So don't hate me hate my work like I hate my own work sometimes... yeah... bye!


"So, what do you think?" Benz asked as they looked at the food on the table.

"I am going to be honest; this looks so bad... like what the fuck is that?" Yoon pointed towards the food.

"I swear to god I am going to punch you in the face!" Benz glared at him, and forcefully gave him a spoon on his hand.

"I have a question" Yoon raised his hand.

Benz sighed. "Go ahead"

"Is this hygienic? Were they wearing gloves? Did they sanitize their work environment or even equipment before creating these dishes? Do they work with organic produce? Is this processed food?" Yoon asked and Benz hit his forehead hard.

"Do you want to eat or not, because you don't have to... I will gladly eat all of this you spoilt son of a bitch!" Benz shouted and Yoon gulped and shook his head.

"Ill eat, Ill eat!" He said and gritted his teeth before he began to dig in. Benz actually did not think he could do it but as Yoon took the first bite Yoon showed an unexpected shocked reaction to a whole new culinary experience. "What.... What the fuck!"

Benz smirked and Yoon kept eating and eating, Benz could not help but feel proud of his accomplishment and showing this spoiled Yoon his world, he couldn't help but enjoy the look on Yoon's face as all the different flavors hit him in all senses.

"How is it?" Benz asked in a calm voice.

"Ok... at first I was shocked... because this is a new taste, I was like it doesn't suit my palate, but then I just couldn't stop eating, is this how unhealthy people eat?" Yoon looked like a curious child at Benz but Benz felt attacked and looked away because he was being called 'unhealthy'.

"Ok, ok... don't eat it all! Geez, this is how normal people eat! Not aliens like you ok!" Benz said in an annoyed voice and gave a glare to Yoon as he dug into the food as well. A few minutes past by and they were already done, Benz gave a shocked expression at Yoon's side of the table. "Did you really eat all of that? Were you starved your whole life? Were you abused growing up?" Benz asked.

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