Chapter 20: The real Monster are the ones Close to you!

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"I am surprised you called me all of a sudden, I thought after we did that.... you would hate me" Yoon laughed a bit as he invited Benz into his house. Benz was shocked Yoon lived in a house like this, Benz was always suspicious of Yoon, since Yoon always wore expensive watched and clothes and seeing this house made it even more suspicious. Yoon lived in a mansion by himself it was huge, and not only that he owned the entire land, he had no neighbors and it was just greenery outside with security at the front gate.... Which was miles from the mansion.

"You live here alone?" Benz asked Yoon with a frown and Yoon nodded, he did not expect Benz to come to his house, he would have prepared another house but he too wanted to see Benz.

"Yeah... all alone" Yoon said and Benz nodded while Yoon brought him inside to sit on the white couch.

"Your house is pretty dull" Benz said, it felt so lonely. There were nor furniture, there was nothing out of place, everything was so minimalist and perfect.

"Well, I don't really get people around much, and maybe if I had someone.... They could do a little bit of change in my life" Yoon said with a hopeful expression to Benz who could not help but blush from Yoon's statement.

"Yoon was a janitor" Benz thought in his head as he looked at Yoon suspiciously, he was trying to put the puzzle together but there were so many missing pieces. "Did you inherit this house?"

"No, I bought it" Yoon said and Benz was even more confused, if he didn't inherit it from rich parents and he bought it himself that meant Yoon was rich, was Yoon lying to him. But Benz who was never ever close to anyone like this before and always cautious decided to trust Yoon, this was the first mistake he made in his life. Which will make him unable to trust people in the future even more when he finds out the truth. "So, why are you here"

"I- well I came here to apologize for sleeping with you" Benz said wth his head to the floor, Yoon frowned at this.

"Let me guess... you're here to say 'lets pretend this never happened' right?" Yoon said and folded his arms in annoyance which made Benz want to laugh a bit because Yoon did not know what he came here for.

"Hahahaha, sure you can say that" Benz laughed, he did not know how to tackle the question in his mind. "Us sleeping together is really ridiculous right?"

"Yeah... really" But Yoon did not seem to joke about them sleeping together, he had a dull serious expression on the entire time because he was annoyed.

"So, you know Hom... she texted me this morning..." Benz was talking about his girlfriend and Yoon gritted his teeth he hated it.

"Benz, I don't want to hear about your girlfriend" Yoon said with a frown. "Are you trying to rub it in that you're in a fucked-up relationship?"

"Why are you getting so mad, I just want to tell you that Hom...." Benz tried to continue his conversation but Yoon stopped him once again.

"So, what if we slept together! You slept with 5 guys!" Yoon blurted out a bit darkly, causing Benz to stop, he realized his mistake and held his mouth.

"What..." Benz said slowly, the trauma that he had been keeping inside him for so long finally got outed and he was not expecting that, he was trying to get better and trying to forget what happened to him and start fresh with Yoon and just then Yoon brought it up making him feel even worse.

"No, Benz I didn't mean that... I am sorry" Yoon said and sat closer to Benz, Benz pushed his hands away and refused to look at him and began to think.

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