Chapter 3: Threatened and Afraid. (18+)

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WARNING: This chapter was a piece of shia to make... so bear with me!!! You will try to kill me after you finish with this chapter... but it does get worse.... So yeah!!! VIOLENCE, RAPE, ABUSE!!!!! BE AWARE AND AGAIN YALL SENSITIVE PEOPLE GET THE HECK OUT 

Porschay got out of his room for breakfast the very next morning, he wanted to leave early because he didn't want to meet a certain someone. As soon as he got down, he already heard a bunch of noise coming from the bodyguards dining area. When Porschay looked around he immediately knew what all the chaos was about.

"AYYY PEEEETTTEEE!!!" Tankhun screamed as he ran to hug Pete who was holding a baby in his hands.

"Master Tankhun" Pete greeted Tankhun with a sea of bodyguards surrounding the retired bodyguard.

"I missed you so much!! W-who is this thing?" Tankhun gave a weird look to the baby, and the baby did it back to Tankhun. "How dare it look at me like that! Does it know who I am!!"

"This is Venice? Don't tell me you forgot again!" Pete frowned and the baby hid in Pete's chest.

"Ugh, look what its doing!! Its trying to gain sympathy from my Pete... Ew take it away!!" Tankhun was absolutely disgusted by Venice.

"Master Tankhun don't say that, and please call him Venice, he is not a thing" Pete scolded Tankhun and Tankhun continued to give weird looks to the baby.

"I don't like it... I mean him!!! Get rid of i... him!" Tankhun said.

"You're not the only one who wants to get rid of him" Porschay heard a voice from behind him and everyone looked at Vegas who was holding a baby bag.

Pete glared at Vegas and Venice did the same. "Who are you again?" Tankhun asked Vegas who just came in.

"Haha, very funny" Vegas said as he put the baby bag down next to Pete.

"Pete, lets go eat!! They must be starving you in that house" Tankhun held onto Pete's arm and Vegas simply pushed him away holding his shoulder instead.

"How dare you!!" Tankhun was so insulted.

"Get your own person, Pete is mind!" Vegas said and as soon as the baby noticed Vegas hands around Pete's shoulder he started to cry.

"Oh no, what's wrong baby?" Pete said in a baby voice to Venice.

"He doesn't talk like that with me" Vegas glared at the baby and Pete gave Vegas a dirty look.

"Why are you upset?" Pete asked cutely to the baby. Baby Venice looked at Vegas and then hid again in Pete's chest. "Oh, you don't like him?"

Tankhun snickered at Vegas and Vegas was surprised. "You're not the only one" Tankhun said.

Baby Venice couldn't stop crying because Vegas kept holding onto Pete, finally Pete pushed Vegas aside and focused solely on Venice. Vegas was stunned and froze on the spot; he couldn't believe Pete just did that. Pete chose the Minor family over the main family, and now he chose Venice over Vegas.

"Their, is that better my baby?" Pete said and baby Venice nodded as if he understood what Pete was saying.

"Hahahahah" Tankhun was laughing out loud, even the bodyguards couldn't hold it in and snuck a few chuckles. Pete spotted Porschay by the entrance of the dining hall and waved to him. And as he was walking baby Venice was on his shoulder and glared at Vegas and Tankhun who were behind Pete. Suddenly Venice did something shocking behind Pete's back, his baby fingers suddenly managed to take out a middle finger causing both Vegas and Tankhun to frown in confusion.

"D-Did he just....." Tankhun asked Vegas.

"H-He just flipped us off!!!" Vegas said stunned.

"That little devil!!" Tankhun gasped as he took off his glasses dramatically.

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