Chapter 22: Haunting Memories of the guy Benz thought he knew. (18+)

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The picture is true tho.... bro is multi tasking!!! Not in this ff tho... his out of uni here!


This may cause you to want to go to Doctor Baifern for Therapy~~~~

Also be warned this some sad shit, okay!!! Now enjoy hehehehehehe 


Benz ran to his apartment in a hurry, shaking and sweat dripping from his face, he was so scared because the person he thought he knew was the monster whom tortured and tormented him foe days in that prison of his. He locked his door as soon as he got in and collapsed on the floor trying to call his friends for help but all of his friends were busy enjoying the weakened. At this time everyone was still watching the movie and Porschay and Kim were having problems.

"Hurry, pick up!!! Pick up!! Please I am so scared" Benz began to panic; he was not crying but he was very scared. Benz was not usually the type to get scared but this time his haunting traumatic memories caught up to him and he could not help and feel it.

Benz is also not the one to call his friends for help, he would solve the problem by himself than inconvenience his friends who are going through their own problems. "Please... I don't know what to do... please" Benz could sense as though someone was making their way to him so his heart beat even faster and just as he had predicted he heard footsteps on the other side of his apartment door.

"No...." Benz thought in his mind. "Please not him, anyone but him!! Please"

It was like he was in a scary horror movie, Benz held his breath and tried to crawl away from the door quietly he sat on the floor away from the door and waited, his heart was beating faster than those footsteps coming closer and closer each second. And just as he predicted a knock on the door came. And Benz heart stopped beating. "Not Yoon... its not Yoon... no its not..." He tried to convince himself in his mind.

The knock became more hurried and panicked. "Benz...." Someone said with a soft voice.

"YOON!" Benz screamed in his mind, now he became ten times more scared.

"Benz my love please talk to me" Yoon said in a soft and soothing voice that Benz always liked and thought was different from everyone he knew, from even his own girlfriend Hom.

Benz was so angry but he could not speak, he didn't want Yoon to find him and was scared he was going to be locked away again and this time maybe for good, he won't be able to see his friends or family ever again and it scared him most of all. "How dare he come here and say that! After I trusted him... after I confessed to him!!!" Benz thought, the thought of it made him very emotional. Benz already was a very wary person and didn't normally trust strangers that easily and Yoon was the first in a long time whom he trusted without any second thought.

"Benz please... I know what I did was wrong and I just want to apologize!! I regret doing that to you!! I love you!!! Benz, please talk to me, I am sorry!" Yoon voice cracked and Benz closed his eyes, he was not swayed at all by those words, now Benz was going to go back to how he was originally like and not trust anyone again.

Benz heart was now hard as a rock and now he wanted to get this over with immediately. "Benz, I know its hard for you to trust me after what I did but please I ask you to give me one more chance!!! I can prove to you I changed!!! Please talk to me when you are ready" Yoon screamed form the other side of the door.

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