Chapter 21: Regrets and Rejection. (18+)

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(I am a bit rusty cause I just came back from vacation~~~~~ So don't kill me hehehe)

They were all still at the movies and Sang and Fluke finished what they were doing and saw Macau, Ohm and Aat standing together, they were all so confused and awkward. "Uhm? Macau, hi?" Sang didn't know what to say, even Fluke shrugged.

"Hi, I am just gonna watch the movie with you" Macau said normally and Sang looked to Ohm with a confused expression and even Ohm did not know what to make of this situation.

"I did not ask for any of this!" Ohm made it clear and Macau smile remained.

"Ayy why is your attitude so different?" Macau asked and Ohm glared at him.

"Because Macau" Ohm said with a sweeter voice suddenly slowly turning it back to his boring old voice. "I am too fucking lazy to put on my give a fuck face! We are not friends anymore... so I don't need to try hard anymore!"

"What? So, you were just faking it in front of me all the time?" Macau asked confused.

"What do you think?" Ohm said and folded his arms. "I am too annoyed to continue, let's go watch before I have a stroke from talking to this person"

"It's Macau" Macau said and Ohm walked past him.

"Sure... whatever" Ohm said and then looked at Sang and Fluke then smirked. "By the way... congratulations on becoming a couple... you too almost sucked the soul out of each other back there, wow me and Aat got so tired of watching"

Sang face became bright red at that moment from blushing hard and Fluke turned his head to hide his shy expression, they were both clearly virgins which made it extra fun for Ohm to tease them. "OHM!!!!" Sang shouted and then covered his flustered face which made Ohm laugh, Macau who saw Ohm's expression couldn't help but smile but then he dropped his smile when he found out what he lost and he regretted it.

"Ohm were gonna have a serious talk when we get back!" Sang said and Ohm continued to tease him on the way inside the movies. Macau stopped Ohm as he was heading inside and no one noticed, Ohm turned around with a confused face and yanked his hands away from Macau.

"I don't want to be touched thank you very much!" Ohm said with a bored look in his eyes.

"I can prove to you that I am over Porschay!" Macau said and Ohm rolled his eyes.

"Right! What makes you think I want to be with you? No offense Macau but I don't want to be involved with you anymore? Doing this won't prove anything, we are done! I liked you once and I am getting over you! Yes, it hurts whenever I look at your face, but I want to move on! You hit me in front of everyone, not only is that humiliating but receiving that from my ex-crush is downright hurtful! Do you even understand?" Ohm tried getting it through Macau's head. "Let me tell you this again because it seems I have to explain it one hundred times for you to finally get it, even if you prove you don't like Porschay anymore.... I don't want to be with you... plain and simple. Also, I feel like this conversation is very disrespectful to my best friend Porschay and his husband... oh I guess you forgot right? KIM? Ring any bells? Bye!"

Ohm then walks into the movies leaving Macau speechless and unable to think, he remains there for a while and then runs inside when he got out of his little trance. He then ran into the movies and searched around for Ohm, he saw Ohm had sat down and the movies had started. Macau sighed and then walked up to him, Ohm saw him and then turned his head, ignoring his existence.

"Hey, can you move out of the way! I am trying to watch!" The boy next to Ohm said angrily. Macau grunted and then handed the boy his ticket to the VIP section to the same movies which made the boys eyes widened. "Sweet!"

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