Chapter 12: The Goodbye... for now. (18+)

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Warning: Yeah... this is a pretty rough part so I am just gonna put this warning here so you guys wont kill me!!! I WARNED YOU!!! BE CAREFUL! RAPE, ABUSE, MANIPULATION!!!! Everything bad ever.... Yeah its all here.

Benz woke up and found Yoon beside him, he was wrapped around his big arms and he felt so small compared to Yoon, it was surprisingly very comfortable. He looked at Yoon's face and he still felt very guilty about the whole thing, he put his hands slowly on Yoon's face and just then Yoon opened his eyes.

"How long do you plan on looking?" Yoon smiled, Benz blushed and pushed away from Yoon but Yoon didn't let him escape.

"Where are you going?" Yoon said and buried his face in Benz back.

Benz was now bright red. "Let go" he said softly.

"I don't want to" Yoon chuckled and said in a childish voice.

"I am sore Yoon" Benz said and Yoon let go.

"Fine, Ill let go" Yoon said and sat up on the bed with a bright smile. Benz looked at him and got off the bed and felt weaker than he was yesterday. "Do you need help?"

"Uhh... its fine" Benz shook his head.

"You sure, I'd be happy to shower you" Yoon teased. "Hahaha, Kidding. I will get some food for us, its morning already"

"Oh... okay" Benz said and Yoon got off the bed, put on his pants and left through the door. Once Yoon had left Benz collapsed on the bed with his face bright red and buried into the pillow. "What is wrong with you Benz, this is wrong!!!"

Yoon smiled as soon as he went into his office, its like his dream came true, he felt like a fanboy who just talked to their idol. Yoon sat down in his office chair and was about to make an order for food until someone knocked on the door causing him to be so annoyed.

"Come in" Yoon said in anger as the person entered.

"Boss" They all said at the same time.

"What do you want?" Yoon said. "I did not call you, why are you here"

"We are just wondering when our next assignment will be?" Sun the older guy said with his head down.

"You are wondering when your next assignment will be?" Yoon repeated his question. "Did I call you?"

"Uhh.. no" Kla scratched his head.

"Then that's your answer!!! Gosh you guys are idiots! I did not call which means you don't have to do anything, now get out before I get angry"

"But boss, it has been a month almost and you haven't assigned us to any tasks with that... pet of yours" Dom the perverted chubby one said in anger, Yoon hit his desk and glared at them.

"That pet... has a name!!! And his name is Benz so use it! Don't ever say that in front of me again!" Yoon said with a dark voice and the atmosphere in the room became quite scary.

"All we are doing is lounging around in this office area, there is nothing fun for us to do" Fah said in a singing flirtatious voice just for Yoon.

"Are you guys that desperate to get laid?" Yoon scoffed at them. "Fine, I will arrange for you some hookers, will that ease your hornyness?"

They all got angry at Yoon statement. "Mister Ren hired us for one task and one task only, we got paid for this" Kla yelled at Yoon.

"Really, you got paid? Then why do you want to do it with him?" Yoon asked as he got up from his desk.

"Well, we have all gotten a little curious about the little guy, his addicting somehow" Dom said confidently in Yoon's face. Yoon got so mad he walked to Dom and pushed him to the wall with his hands on his neck squeaking and digging his nails into his fat skin. Dom was bigger than all of them but was weak, Yoon was taller and more muscular he had more power than all of them combined and they did not have a chance with him. They were all shocked with Yoon's action, he turned into a monster right before their eyes.

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