Chapter 8: Forced on the Wedding Night (18+)

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(A/N: Yeah that pic is just to make you guys hopeful. nothing like that happens though!!! I know I am evil... yeah hahaha sorry)


Warning: Abuse, Violence, Rape!!! AND SADLY NO BENZ THIS CHAPTER... HIS ON BREAK FOR ABOUT 2 CHAPTERS... TO COOL YOUR MINDS OFF!!! Yeah, I am torturing myself by writing this, the way I be crying with my own ideas.... ugh we all need therapy!


"K-Kim... wait!!" Porschay tried to stop Kim and put his arm out to cover him as Kim sucked on his neck. "I am not ready... can we skip the wedding night?"

"Sorry Porschay, but we have to seal the deal for this wedding, and this is how you're going to get your Benz back anyways" Kim said as he stopped and sat up straight undoing his buttons on the shirt he was wearing and flipping his long beautiful hair to the back.

"But I don't like this... Kim... not today" Porschay tried to reason with Kim but Kim didn't even care, he wasn't even acknowledging what Porschay was saying, it was like Porschay was speaking gibberish to him. He was going to do it whether Porschay liked it or not and Porschay had to just agree with it, no questions asked.

"Porschay, do you honestly think I care about your opinion?" KIM asked with a serious face as Porschay grew more anxious by the second, Kim got up from the couch and put his crotch near Porschay's face and smirked. "Ayyy, you're really getting on my nerves, why did I marry you again?"

"W-what are you going to do?" Porschay asked nervously as he looked at Kim's waist that was now in front of his face. Kim began to unzip his pants and take it off completely revealing his arousal, Porschay looked at it in horror as Kim's expression turned even darker.

"Suck it!" KIM ordered Porschay. Porschay gulped, he knew there was no way he could get out of this so he turned his body that was lying on the couch and sat down perfectly to view what was in front of him, his hands were shaking as he reached for Kim's length.

"H-how?" Porschay asked as he looked up at Kim who still wore the same satisfying question. Just as Porschay's hand gripped Kim's length Kim grabbed his and held it closer to it and now his mouth was touching it. Porschay refused to open his mouth so Kim squeezed his jaw and dug his nails into Porschay's cheeks to allow the length to be in, but only the tip could fit into Porschay's small mouth.

"You better not bite, otherwise I will kill you" Kim said and Porschay wore a ghostly expression as he accepted Kim in his mouth. Kim grabbed onto Porschay's hair tightly and first began to move lightly. "Ahh... your so fucking bad at this"

"Aghh!!" Porschay struggled as his mouth started becoming sore from the hot rod that was in his mouth. Kim began to speed up and Porschay who wasn't holding onto anything grabbed onto Kim's waist and closed his eyes tight as Kim's came into him deeper and deeper each time, going in and out with no mercy.

Porschay shut his eyes down while a single tear slipped down his face, only half of Kim's length was inside of him, so finally getting close to the end Kim thrusted deeper hitting the back of Porschay's throat, it still wasn't reaching but it was enough.

"Mhmm!!!" Porschay struggled to breath, and violently hitting Kim to stop.

"Ugh!! Do you want to get slapped?" Kim threatened while pumping his bulging length into Porschay repeatedly. Porschay felt Kim's length grow bigger inside and just then he released and hot cum dripped from the side of Porschay's mouth. "Aaahhh!!!'

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