Chapter 10: Love Triangle... or Love Square?

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"Macau, what are you doing?" Ohm said when he joined Macau at the drinking table where there were various types of drinks for everyone. They all had been working the entire day and everyone was so exhausted so they took a break.

"Just drinking water, what's up?" Macau said as he squatted down on the floor while drinking his water.

"Do you, uhh know those kids?" Ohm asked as he pointed towards Porschay and Sang who were talking to each other. As soon as Ohm pointed at them Macau smiled as he was looking at Porschay, Ohm felt somewhat angry at this because Macau never used to show that kind of expression around him or anyone here, what was so special about Porschay.

"You mean Porschay? Ah well... I know him" Macau said, and Ohm joined him on the floor.

"How?" Ohm asked further, he was really curious about their relationship. Ohm had a crush on Macau forever, at first, he hated Macau so much because Macau had won the freshy boy contest. Ohm was used to being first place for everything, he was so infuriated that Macau won and hated him but Macau did something after that, that Ohm could never forget, that made him fall in love with Macau.


"Ugh!!! How dare he!! What does he have that made him win??? I am much more good looking, and more worthy of being the Moon!" Ohm was so frustrated and throwing things around in the changing room with tears streaming down his face, he was so used to being first place that this was a shock to him. "No, no!! Their must be a mistake...."

Ohm sat down and buried his face in his hands crying, some may think he was a spoiled brat at this moment but their was actually more to it, suddenly his head began to hurt and he was brought back to his childhood.

"You are a disappointment"

"Second place! Pfft, your older brother was better"

"Who are you compared to your brother?"


"I wish you weren't my son!"

"You better be the best!"

"IS that the best you can do?"


"No, no!!! Sorry, Ma!!! I am sorry" Ohm said, he had trauma. And if he went home right now and told his mother what happened, he would not hear the end of it. His mother never did anything, but he words were the strongest and affected Ohm so much that he wanted to run away or commit suicide. His older brother was amazing, he looked up to him, but because of the toxicness in the family the older brother ran away leaving him to fend for himself... his brother was his only protecter now gone.

Ohm fixed his face as he heard the door open, as soon as the door opened, he heard laughter, joyful laughter. He looked at himself in the mirror and pretended like nothing happened, like he did not just have a mental breakdown.

"Excuse me... are you alright?" The person asked as he sat on the seat next to Ohm, Ohm looked to the side and was surprised to see that it was Macau.

"Yes, what makes you think I am not?" Ohm said in an arrogant voice.

"Uhh... well you don't look okay" Macau said and Ohm ignored him and continued to touch up on his makeup.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I am perfectly fine" Ohm said, Macau didn't look convinced at all. He sighed and shook his head and then turned Ohm's face towards him.

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