Chapter 13: Anger and Jealousy

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"So, you threatened the man you loved into marrying by kidnapping his best friend and then raped him... then treated him horribly and now you want to treat him better, confess your love but you don't know how to do that... also you think your cousin likes him as well and may steal him from you so you plan on killing your cousin before that happened, but you think your partner.... Will be upset and angry and then your afraid you will get angry because you hate it when he shouts... why do you hate it when he shouts... anyways you want to form a trustful environment... bitch even I don't know" The therapist said while filling alcohol in her cup.

They had stayed the entire afternoon in the therapist house and were getting waisted, Kim was going through a mental breakdown and ate some carrots to feel better, Yoon kept on shaking his head while continuously pouring himself a drink.

"Yeah... his really messed up" The waisted Yoon said.

"He is messed up?.... ugh you both are too" Baifern had a huge headache from the two.

"Hey, I am in the middle" Yoon pointed at her angrily.

"How the fuck did I get stranded in this job... yall are all crazy" Baifern said and Kim laughed on his carrots.

"You seem to have it rough... lets talk about you" Kim sounded like the therapist.

"I do have it rough... so my parents died at a young age and then I got a scholarship and then that crazy brother of yours hired me and then.... Wait a minute who the fucks the therapist here?" Baifern said in a drunken voice.

"I don't know... everything is so blurry and messy" Kim hit his head from the alcohol in his brain now. Yoon straight up went to sleep.

"Do you know what you need?" Baifern said and Kim shrugged.

'What?" Kim said.

"Help" Baifern laughed and Kim showed an annoyed expression.

"No, I need actual advice" Kim sighed as he rested his head on the back of the couch, while Yoon who was sleeping hit the floor because he was so drunk, then kept on sleeping not even caring about the pain of hitting the floor.

"Honestly, I can lie to you all you like to save my life but... its hard for someone to forgive that. I mean if he were to forgive you, he is either crazy or a masochist.... But either way your partner needs help. You not only caused him to not trust you... you made him afraid of you... he can't even be near you without flinching. He was a normal kid, who wanted a simple life... but you changed him, now he has problems... now he is afraid when he wasn't afraid before... he was carefree, spirited young man as you've described to me... now he cannot be that because he is now a caged bird. He will begin to have panic attacks... trauma will attack him in the future... his mental health will deteriorate.... He might die from depression" The therapist explained in her drunken state and Kim began to cry showing his real personality which he hides from his fake strict personality... the alcohol brought out the real him and the real Kim was sorry and scared.

"But... I don't want to lose him" Kim cried. "Everyday without him was hell for me, I wanted so much to see him when we broke up and it hurt. I tried to obey my fathers' words to break up with him but I couldn't anymore. When I saw him happy, and smiling at everyone else... it made me want to hide him and keep him all to myself... keep his smile all to myself. And before I knew it, I became obsessed, I wanted more and out of nowhere I did something I never expected me to do.... It wasn't me!!! I WOULDVE NEVER HURT PORSCHAY LIKE THAT!! It was like I was being controlled by something... my personality switched"

The therapist went silent. "Kim... are you perhaps bipolar?"

"What?" Kim said softly.

"Its where one has different personalities... but in your case it is different... your brain shuts off the other nice part of you... and your demon side comes out... Kim you need to get this treated before it gets worse" Baifern said in concern and Kim frowned.

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