Chapter 25: Asking for Forgiveness

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(By the wayyyyyy.... Yall who read the previous chapter I added another part and yeah Sang dies... because some of yall didn't notice my disorganized self.... Yeah that day was chaotic wasn't it... oh by the way this chapter hurt writing because I stayed up for hours with none stop writing I could not stop my hands hurt and my shoulers as well as my back! So yall better like it.. 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪..... longest chapter I have ever written 'crying in depressed')

Benz just arrived to his hometown feeling sad and annoyed that he fell for Yoon's trick, all the evidence was in front of him and he was blinded and manipulated the entire time, he did kind of feel angry with his friends but he quickly shook those thoughts away because he loved his friends, and he knew what they were going through as well so he forgave them but Yoon, he will never forgive Yoon. Being touched by all those men sent Benz into a state of disgust and panic. Everywhere he looked he pictured it, he thought he would get over it with the help of Yoon... only for Yoon to betray him too.

Benz does not trust people easily as everyone knows, and the reason is because he grew up in a town with people he knew and suddenly moving to Bangkok in high school made him not trust people because they were liars, thieves and many that betrayed him. Still, he knew his girlfriend had been lying to him but he stayed with her to play it safe, he supplied her with everything she needed because he did not know anyone else and did not want to know anyone else, he knew deep down Hom was a good person who just mixed with the wrong crowd and refused to abandon her like her parents left her.

Benz had bought an apartment for her, bought things for her out of pity and he did not mind her using him. She and his friends were the only people who could use him, and he allows this because those are the only people he knows. Benz is a wary person, even people walking past him, he gets agitated of but he is not introverted he just hates people he isn't close with. How can Benz afford both his and his ex-girlfriends living expenses?

Well... because Benz has a secret... he does not live in a village but rather his father is the mayor of a town and his family is super rich. They have stayed in a traditional Thai home for generation to generation, not only that. His family owns farms out of the country and although he is not as rich as Yoon, Ren or Kim, he has more money than many people living in Bangkok.

Upon arriving home, he wiped away his tears and paid the taxi driver, he looked at his town and he could not even smile. All the town's people looked at the newcomer and was shocked to see Benz because Benz had not returned for so many years. The Towns people who technically raised Benz were confused about his sad expression.

"Benz!!!???" Someone shouted.

"EVERYONE ITS BENZ!!!" They all shouted happily, everyone left their shops and houses unattended and greeted Benz as he walked closer to them, he showed a week smile out of kindness because he did not want to offend anyone and everyone was just too happy to see their 'son' that they began calling more and more people to celebrate his arrival.

"Hi, guys... I am back" Benz said softly and everyone came to hug him and hand him things on his hands. People went into their stores and came back with a bunch of things they knew Benz would like, Benz took it and they brought him deeper and deeper into town talking and smiling, Benz felt overwhelmed and stuffy at that moment because of what happened previously, suddenly someone yelled.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!" A girl by the fountain said in a heavy voice. She was wearing a white tank top with a black bra that people could see through but no one really cared about, she also wore blue sweatpants and had cut her hair like a boy but she looked so pretty still, she looked tough and had a tattoo on her arm and had a bit of muscles.

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