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Hanbin takes the tablet from Matthew and sees another article.

Seok Matthew spotted being rude to the less fortunate.

As if dating rumors weren't enough to ruin Seok Matthew's career, he was also spotted being rude to YouTuber, Zhang Hao, when it seemed like he didn't have enough money to pay for his meal.

Sung Hanbin was spotted offering to pay for the YouTubers expensive meal, while Matthew degrades him and tells him "if he didn't have enough money, why did he come here in the first place?"

Sung Hanbin was heard telling him to be nice to others, while you could see the sad look on Zhang Hao's face.

Is this truly the end of Seok Matthew's career?

Hanbin puts the tablet down and looks up at an angry Matthew.

"Did you know him? Did you know he was filming us?" He asks, angrily.

"I swear I had no idea. You think I would've wanted to expose our relationship like that? My tour might even be cancelled over this! Why would you think I was in on it?"

"All you care about is your stupid tour! You don't care about your boyfriend being bullied online by everyone!" He tells him. "Like okay, maybe shaming that guy for not having money, was wrong, but look... at the end of the day, was I wrong? He knew he would never step foot into a place like that ever again, so he chose to film when it's not even allowed! You paid for his meal and he just ruined our careers!"

"Okay, I understand you're angry. I also understand that he shouldn't have filmed when it wasn't allowed, but at the same time, it was also the staff's fault. Phones aren't even allowed in that place, but I guess no one was checking today."

"Wow, you're even defending him! It seems like you clearly know him! You don't care since you were seen as an angel for paying for his food, but I was seen as the worst person in the world just for saying he shouldn't have gone to that place if he didn't have the money to pay for it! Isn't that common sense? Don't order things you can't afford!"

"Matthew, calm down." Jiwoong tells him. "Hanbin's also having a hard time right now, but there's no point in getting angry over it."

"Mind your own business. This isn't even about you! You're just a stupid manager!" Matthew rolls his eyes.

"Matthew, I understand you're angry. I really do." Hanbin tells him. "But I don't like the way you're acting right now."

"Whatever! I shouldn't have even come here! You're not going to help me anyway." He grabs his tablet from Hanbin. "And I want to break up!" He storms out of the room.

Hanbin sighs and puts his face in his hands.

"It'll be fine." Jiwoong tells him. "And maybe if we get in contact with the youtuber and tell him what to say, everything will die down soon."

"Have you tried contacting him?"

"I did, but he won't answer. He clearly knows about it since his comments are filled about the issue, but it seems like he's trying to ignore it."

"Well, if he wants to ignore it, he won't be able to if I see him in person."

"Huh? Do you know where he lives?" Jiwoong asks, confused.

Hanbin reaches into his pocket and takes out the coupon Zhang Hao had given him earlier today.

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