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"What's he doing here?" Matthew asks, annoyed.

"Well, he's my manager."

"More like bodyguard." Matthew tells him.

"Matthew... What was I just saying?" Hanbin raises an eyebrow.

"Oh... right." Matthew sighs and stands up, walking over to Jiwoong. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I was really upset about the whole situation and took it out on you. Still, that's not an excuse, so I'm sorry. I was really rude to you."

"It's fine... I'm glad you realized your mistake." Jiwoong tells him.

"So are we good?" Matthew extends his hand out for Jiwoong to shake. "I know we had never had a proper conversation before since I'd always ignore your presence, but maybe we could start all over?"

"Yeah, I'd like that." Jiwoong hesitantly shakes his hand, feeling his heart beating faster as he looks into his eyes.

Matthew just gives him a small smile before pulling his hand away from his. "I'll go along with your plan then." He tells Hanbin. "See you later."

"Okay, see you." Hanbin waves at him before Matthew walks out of the house. "Is your phone okay?"

"Oh... yeah. Nothing happened to it. It's fine." Jiwoong shows it to him and Hanbin just nods.

"You can go home now if you want. It seems like tomorrow will be a long day. I'm sure the CEO's will make everyone meet up."

"Yeah... but are you sure you want to do this? Your fans might get angrier and the CEO will be pretty mad too. What if he never lets you go on tour again?"

"I make the most money for this company. There's no way he'd never let me tour again." Hanbin tells him. "As for my fans... I am scared some will be so angry at me and leave, but if they knew what I was going through, they'd understand."

"Well, okay. If you're sure, then I'll support your decision and go along with it." Jiwoong tells him. "I'll come pick you up early tomorrow so we can go to the company."

"Okay." Hanbin nods and Jiwoong walks out of the house. Hanbin reaches for his phone and goes on social media, then looks for Zhang Hao's account. "Should I message him first?" He mumbles to himself.


Zhang Hao tosses and turns on the bed, not being able to sleep. "Ugh." He sits up on the bed.

He saw Hanbin in person and talked to him, so there's no way he can ignore the situation anymore. And it's better if he accepts Hanbin's offer instead of taking all the blame by himself.

He reaches for his phone and goes on social media, looking for Hanbin's account.

"Thirty million followers?" His eyes widen. "How did I not know him before?"

Zhang Hao
hey I'm not sure if you'll see this
since you have so many followers,
but you told me to contact you
through here

I've been thinking about it
and I guess I'll go along with
your plan. I was contacted
by your company again and
they told me they want to meet
up tomorrow

Alright, I guess I'll see
you tomorrow then

Zhang Hao can't believe how fast that reply was. He thought Hanbin wouldn't even see his message.

Try going to the company a
little earlier than you were told.
I want to meet up with you before
meeting with the CEO

Zhang Hao
Okay I will

And don't worry
Everything will be okay.

The CEO can be a little scary,
but I'll be there

Zhang Hao
So? Am I supposed to feel
better with you there?

Yeah, whenever you're nervous
or scared in front of the CEO,
just look at my beautiful face 😌

Zhang Hao
As if

Zhang Hao sends the message and can't help but smile as he puts his phone down on his nightstand and lays down on his bed, finally being able to fall sleep.

Hanbin looks down at his phone and smiles. Zhang Hao had seemed so nervous around him earlier that day, but it seems like he's not anymore. Not through social media, at least.

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