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"How did the talk with the YouTuber go? Did you tell him to make a video telling everyone he noticed you and Matthew are just friends?" Jiwoong asks Hanbin.

"No." Hanbin sits down on the couch. "Honestly... I was thinking about that as I went over there. I thought about asking him to make a video saying that, but... I don't think anyone would've believed that anyway."

"What? So what did you do?"

"I thought about a different idea." Hanbin starts. "I told him the three of us should act like we're friends and everything was just a prank."

"Wait... is that really a good idea though?" Jiwoong thinks about it. "I'll talk to the CEO about it."

"No!" Hanbin shakes his head. "I want him to believe I really am friends with Zhang Hao and that it was my idea."

"What? Why would you want that? He'd be furious you pulled a prank like that."

"That's what I want."

"Huh? What?" Jiwoong asks, confused

"Look, Jiwoong... you're my manager for a reason. I trust you, so I'll tell you the truth." Hanbin sighs. "I don't want to go on tour right now."

"What? But you were so happy about your tour. This is your biggest tour yet and you were so sad the other day, thinking it might get cancelled."

"I was at first, but the more I've been thinking about it, the more I've realized I don't have the energy right now to go on the biggest tour of my career."

"What do you mean?" Jiwoong sits across from him.

"I'm mentally and physically exhausted. I can't remember the last time I've had a break from schedules. Whenever I tell the CEO I can't do it anymore, he just gives me more schedules and doesn't care... which makes me think that the only way to get a break is by making him mad at me."

"Yeah, I've noticed that." Jiwoong sighs. "It seems like this company only cares about the money."

"So will you help me out?" Hanbin pouts. "Please don't tell him the truth."

"Is that even a question? You know I'm loyal to you."

"Thank you, Jiwoong! Now I have to go talk to Matthew. I called him on my way here and he thankfully accepted to meet up."


Since they can't meet up anywhere publicly, Hanbin and Matthew meet up at his apartment. "Come in." Hanbin tells him, opening the door the full way for him to walk in.

Matthew has an annoyed expression on his face as he walks into his apartment and sits down in the living room. "So why did you want to meet up?"

"Please stop being mad at me." Hanbin frowns. "I was giving you some space since I know this whole situation was pretty upsetting for you, but I've missed you."

"Yeah, sorry. I know I overreacted. It's not like it's your fault." He sighs. "I shouldn't have acted like that in the first place."

"I'm glad you've realized that... but now I'll tell you why I called you here. I thought of an idea to hopefully get us out of this mess."

"What is it?"

"What if we act like we're just friends?"

"Would people believe that though? Like yeah, we weren't seen doing anything friends wouldn't do, but I'm not sure." Matthew tells him. "Do you think they'll believe it?"

"That's not all though. What if we say we're also friends with Zhang Hao and everything was just a prank, including you being rude to him." Hanbin suggests. "Speaking of Zhang Hao, you should apologize to him... And Jiwoong too. You were really rude to them. Zhang Hao seems like a good guy. It seems like he doesn't hold any grudges against you even after how you treated him."

"Wow, I'll make sure to thank him for not getting mad at me for saying the truth."


"Okay, fine. Yeah, I'll do it... And I guess that plan could work."

"Make your company think it's real, though. They have to think we're really friends with him." Hanbin tells him.

"Huh? Why?"

"I'll let you know later. Just please... Do it for me?"

"Okay, fine." Matthew smiles at him.

"Does that mean you're not mad anymore?" Hanbin sits down next to him and pulls him in for a hug.

"No, I'm not. I shouldn't have been mad at you in the first place."

"Good." Hanbin smiles and is about to lean in to give him a kiss, but he hears something fall, which makes him turn around.

He sees Jiwoong dropped his phone.

"Oh, I'm sorry for interrupting." He fakes a smile and quickly reaches for his phone.

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