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Zhang Hao can't believe Hanbin really just said that. Sharing a room with him means they'd have to talk about what happened earlier... and he really doesn't want to.

Zhang Hao is about to say he'd rather share a room with Matthew, but Jiwoong speaks up before he can say anything. "And I want to share a room with Matthew."

Ever since they came back from the hotel, Jiwoong had been thinking about what the old lady told them. She was right. Sometimes you do realize you have feelings for someone until it's too late.

Jiwoong has accepted the feelings he has for Matthew since a long time ago, but now the fear of rejection is what's holding him back.

"Is that okay with you?" He asks Matthew.

"Yeah, sure." He just nods and that same strange feeling he felt in his stomach earlier, comes back.

"By the way, what's with the matching pajamas?" Gyuvin asks them.

"Oh, I just thought they'd look cute in those." Ricky tells him. "It was not at all intentional." He lies.

"I know we were supposed to have a sleepover and stay up until late, but I'm kind of really tired." Zhang Hao tells them. "I think I'll get going."

"Yeah, of course, Hao. Pick whatever room you'd like. You've been here before, so you know." Ricky tells him.

Hanbin quickly stands up as well. "I'll also get going. Like I said, I have a schedule tomorrow and have to wake up extra early to go get ready at my apartment. Have a good night." Hanbin tells them before following Zhang Hao down the hallway.

"What room should we pick?" Hanbin reaches for Hao's hand and looks around. "Maybe this one?" He points.

"It only has one bed. Let's pick the other one. It has two." Zhang Hao points at the other room.

"Yeah, but it's kind of cold in here. Don't you like cuddling?"

"Huh?" Zhang Hao's taken by surprise and let's go of Hanbin's hand. "No."

"What? You don't?" Hanbin raises an eyebrow. "Oh, that's too bad. Maybe your future boyfriend will love cuddling and you'll have to get used to it." Hanbin tells him before walking into the room with one bed.

"Huh?" Zhang Hao just stands there with a confused expression on his face. Things between them were so awkward and now Hanbin's acting like nothing happened. Zhang Hao follows him into the room and closes the door. Maybe he should've just slept in the living room.

"They like each other, don't they?" Gyuvin asks the others since they were able to hear their whole conversation. "I know I'm new here, but I think I can see what's going on." He looks at Jiwoong and Matthew. "You too, right?"

"Oh, no. We're don't." Matthew shakes his head.

"Gyuvin, don't worry. That's what they say, but then they go around giving dirty looks to people who flirt with the other." Ricky tells him. "Just get together already. Why's it so hard to admit your feelings? I immediately told Jiwoong he was cute when I first met him."

"You what?" Gyuvin asks him. "Why have you never called me cute?" He pouts.

"You're cute." Ricky tells him. "Happy?"

"Yes." Gyuvin nods and Matthew and Jiwoong just stare at them in disbelief.

"Yeah, well, anyway... I think I'll get going." Matthew stands up.

"Yeah, me too. It's getting late." Jiwoong stands up as well.

"Aww, you're leaving us already?" Ricky frowns. Jiwoong and Matthew nod before walking away from them. "This was supposed to be a sleepover, but they took it so literally. I wanted us to stay up until late."

"It's okay, it's not like you're alone. I'm here." Gyuvin tells him. "Do you want to stay up and watch a movie?"

"Yes!" Ricky nods.


Since Hanbin's already on the bed, Hao just stands beside the bed, not knowing what to do. He really hates being so awkward, but it's his fault for kissing him in the first place.

"Hao, come here." Hanbin reaches for his hand, pulling Zhang Hao down with him. "I know you're probably being like this because of what happened earlier." Hanbin starts.

"Can we please not talk about it right now?" Zhang Hao asks him, trying to avoid the awkwardness. "I'm tired." He closes his eyes.

"The thing is... I got so much courage right now." Hanbin tells him. "I don't think I can wait."

Zhang Hao slowly opens his eyes and looks at Hanbin. "What do you mean?"

"You know... ever since I met you, I've been so happy all the time. Even when things don't go my way, I'm happy because I know you'll be there to cheer me up. I know I have someone to rely on." He tells him. "Yes, I know I have other friends. I have Matthew and Jiwoong, but it's different with you... because... when I'm sad or something doesn't go my way, I get happy just by seeing you smile."

Zhang Hao feels his heart beating faster as Hanbin continues talking. "I felt something different today. I actually felt a lot of different emotions today." Hanbin tells him. "When you first called me on the phone, I know you didn't want anyone to know you were scared, but your voice was so shaky and I immediately noticed you were. That's why I immediately went over there. I got so worried. And then when you opened the door and hugged me as you cried, it broke my heart. I had never seen you cry and I don't want to see you sad or scared like that ever again."

"And then when you kissed me... I'm not really sure if you just did it because you were vulnerable in that moment or if it's because you like me, but I want you to know that..." Hanbin takes a deep breath. "I like you. I have for a while now."

They both stay quiet for a while, looking into each others eyes. Zhang Hao's not sure what to say since this isn't what he was expecting Hanbin to say.

"So please let me know if I misunderstood." Hanbin tells him.

Zhang Hao takes a deep breath before saying anything. "Ever since I met you, I've been happy too. I was going through a lot at that time because of the live I did at the restaurant and was scared, but surprisingly, you would make me feel better even though you were just a stranger back then. You made me feel like everything would be okay and I wouldn't get in trouble. You offered to take the blame and said it would be a win-win situation... but even so, it wasn't something you had to do, so I felt really thankful."

"Honestly... I've felt thankful towards you since we first met because you've helped me a lot. So at first, I thought that's all it was. I just thought I felt thankful towards you, but... the more I got to know you, the more I realized it wasn't just that." Zhang Hao tells him. "I like you too."

Hanbin can't help but smile and pulls Zhang Hao in for a hug. "You have no idea how happy that just made me."

Zhang Hao smiles back as he wraps his arms around him and rests his chin on his shoulder. He feels way better now that he was finally able to confess his feelings for him.


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