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"It's okay, it's okay. I'm sure it'll come back." Zhang Hao tells them since it seems like Ricky's scared now too. Honestly, Zhang Hao's kind of scared as well.

This might be a haunted hotel after all. He can't stop thinking about how that old lady had a blank notebook she was pretending to read from.

After a few seconds the light comes back on. "You see... it's back."

"Let's get started before the lights go off again." Matthew says, reaching for his phone to text Jiwoong.

Jiwoong I'm scared
This hotel is so sketchy ☹️

Are you there already?

Yeah the lights went off for
like a few seconds

The hotel is super old

The doorknob of the entrance
even came off 😨

And there's this really
creepy old lady that reads
from a blank notebook

Give me the address
and I'll go pick you up

No it's fine
I don't want to seem
like a scaredy cat. I'll
be alright don't worry
Zhang Hao will be live streaming

Jiwoong frowns when he sees the message. Why did Matthew even go when he gets scared so easily?

You know I always
care about you
message not sent

But Jiwoong doesn't get the courage to send it.

Okay I'll make sure to
watch the live

Zhang Hao reaches for his phone and immediately texts Hanbin the address.

"There, I texted Hanbin the address, so he'll come if anything goes wrong." He tells Matthew and Ricky.

"Alright, but wouldn't it better to do the livestream from my phone? It seems like your phones on low battery. It's better to charge it just in case the electricity goes out... you never know." Ricky tells him.

"Yeah, you're right." Zhang Hao reaches for Ricky's phone to sign into his account. "I'll go charge my phone."

As he's about to charge his phone, his phone rings and he sees Hanbin's calling him. "Wait, give me a minute." He tells them before walking towards the other side of the room to answer. "Hello?"

"Hey, what's with the address you sent me? Is everything okay?" Hanbin asks him, worriedly.

"Yeah... about the hotel we came to... it's kind of creepy, so I told Ricky and Matthew I'd send you the address just in case something goes wrong. Is that okay or should I send it to someone else? Are you busy?"

"No, not at all. I actually just came out of a photoshoot, so now I don't have anything to do. I'll make sure to watch your livestream."

"Okay, good. I'll go start it now then."

"No, wait. But why is the hotel creepy? If you think it's sketchy or something, you should get out of there. I don't want you guys to get hurt." Hanbin says, worriedly.

"It's nothing too bad. There was just this rude old lady, the lights turned off, I broke a door knob, and the hotel is just old in general... but it's not to the point that I think we're in danger or anything, so don't worry. I just thought the guys would feel better if someone knew where we were... just in case."

"And I was the first one you thought about?" Hanbin can't help but smile.

"Yeah..." Zhang Hao admits and smiles.

"Zhang Hao! Hurry up! There's a giant bug!" Ricky screams.

"Zhang Hao!" Matthew yells. "Help us!"

"Oh, those scaredy cats. Well, I have to go, okay? You have the address... just in case. Bye." Zhang Hao hangs up and walks over to Ricky and Matthew. Once he sees the bug, he screams too. "Were bugs always this big?"

He turns to see Ricky had already started the live on his phone and he covers his face in embarrassment.

"As you can see, we're in a five star hotel." Ricky says sarcastically and shows the camera around the room. "Look at this beautiful bug. What's your name, little one?"

'I hope those rooms are free because you shouldn't be paying even a penny for that...' A comment says.

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you but we actually got scammed!" Ricky fake cries. "Zhang Hao broke a door knob and we even had to pay for that."

"I didn't do it on purpose." Zhang Hao frowns. "I didn't even use much force."

"He says he didn't use much force." Matthew says. "Which can either mean he's hulk or the old lady broke it herself, glued it back together with kids glue, then stuck it back in the door to scam people and make them think they broke it."

"Yeah, well... I think we know Zhang Hao is definitely not hulk, so that just leaves the old lady being a scammer." Ricky says.

"Now let's go outside so we can show you how it looks." Zhang Hao grabs Ricky's phone and walks out the door while the other two follow him.

"I hope the old lady doesn't mind us filming." Matthew whispers.

"Anyway... so as you can see, the hotel is in its best condition. Totally recommended. Five star indeed." Ricky tells them. "The walls are cracking and the furniture is breaking, which means a lot of people have stayed in this place."

"What are you all doing talking to a phone?!" The old lady yells at them. "Go back to your rooms!"

"Oh, ma'am, we were just telling the viewers that your hotel is in amazing condition. Would you like to say hi?" Ricky asks her as she gets in the frame. "Wait... you guys..." Ricky moves away from the old lady and rushes towards them. "Look at the comments!" He whisper yells.

'What old lady are they talking about?'

'There's no one there.'

'Ricky, are you sure you're not talking to yourself?'

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