Liu (redone)

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Warnings: descriptions of death, trauma, and suicide.

Liu does not forgive Jeff for all that he's done, however he doesn't hate him either; he mostly pretends Jeff doesn't exist, Liu has no faith in him to get better, He acknowledged the fact that his brother is very ill and he understands that things could have turned the other way. But here he is and he is trying to move on from past guilt.

He was never that close with Jeff, because of how different they grew up and Jeff was in the hospital a lot as a kid.
but he still helped him with homework and played games if he wasn't busy when Jeff asked.

When Jeff was getting violent with their parents, Liu would usually be there to pull him off, he usually would just push him away, but sometimes he had to get a bit physical.

He has a lazy eye and has glasses to correct it, when he was a kid he rarely wore them.

He became a police officer after the incident, Liu moved up the ranks fairly quickly and became a captain. Liu always wanted to become a policeman, but never expected to actually become one, let alone a captain.
He helps Jeff's victims by hiding their crimes and hiding them away by giving them small apartments on the condition that they are willing to not kill and try to get some sort of job.

Liu helped solve Deborah's murder case.

He started smoking in his teens up to a young adult, and has tried cutting back for his health.

He used to be very close with Lyra, Liu didn't know about her death until weeks after.
He met up with her years later but has since let her live her life because he wants to live a normal life with his kids.

He's fluent in English and Swedish, he's been trying to learn Cantonese.
He has an American accent.

Him and Sully get along a lot better than they did before, Liu feels bad for Sully, and sees him like a younger brother.

He tried alcohol when he was younger, Jeff saw him do it and Liu made him swear he wouldn't snitch on him.

He played basketball after school, he was really good because of his height.

He was made to go to Barbara's at the start to make sure Jeff was doing okay.

He lives in a 5 bedroom house with his three kids, Kimberly, Caleb and Justin.

He loved collecting vinyl's of his favourite artists, including Radiohead, Three Days Grace, Miley Cyrus and Taylor swift.

He was an alter boy for his church.

He never looked after himself that well until recent years.

He drinks a lot of red bull.

He has a journal he using to write own his thoughts and what he did that day.

He used to play a lot of games, his favourite was the resident evil series.

He really liked reading when he was younger his favourite genres are fantasy and SiFi.

Liu has a few pictures of his family before everything had happened.

He's really paranoid Jeff will find him and kill him, so he keeps track of Jeff's whereabouts using newspapers or police reports.
If he's out and can't do that he's constantly looking behind him and stressed out, the idea of being hunted scared him causing panic attacks, he rarely went out unless he had work, he even skipped a few therapists sessions and at one point quit therapy because Liu was afraid the routine would make him traceable.
He has a small group of friends and is worried about their safety a lot because of his paranoia.

He goes to his parent's and Susan's graves once a week to drop off some flowers.

After his parent's death, he dropped out of university, eventually reapplying a year later.
He felt alone and afraid, he had no idea what to do with himself, becoming extremely depressed.

Liu eventually graduated with a psychology degree.

He has 3 tattoos, panther with a rose in its mouth on his side to match his parent's tattoos, a resident evil save type writer tattoo on his arm, and his kids names in hearts on his wrist.

He's been in therapy ever since his parents could afford it.

His memory of the incident is very hazy and there's a few holes in his memory.
The mugshots of Jeff shocked him because he didn't remember what he looked like.

He started abusing sleeping pills because of all the nightmares and night terrors, he could hear his window opening, the sound of his bed creaking under the weight of him, and the smell of blood.
He was waking up exhausted and decided it wasn't worth sleeping.
He stopped after he nearly overdosed and Starting limiting his pills.
This is also when he tried to look after himself more, if not for himself at least for his kids.

He has a dobermann and dachshund named Bowie and Penny.

Liu learned how to use a gun at 17, he bought a gun and practiced whenever he was by himself.
These days he always carries a gun on him.

Liu went to Sully's place to find the body, he saw Sully's ghost rose from the place his body was buried and took him in, at this point Liu was still trying to cope and would put all his homicidal and violent thoughts of Jeff onto Sully to try and make it more justified, because this was still his brother and he hated the idea of him being violent, let along to Jeff.
He eventually realised and removed himself from Sully and let him go.

Liu didn't realise how inappropriate his relationship with Susan was until after she died and he was talking about her in therapy.

He's a cautious, calculating person who thinks over a lot of decisions.

He made a book about his past and dealing with the trauma.
It was solely to get more money so he could afford 3 kids.

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