Jane everlasting (redone)

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Warnings: medical abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, descriptions of hallucinations, rotting, maggots, death and suicide.

Jane was never in control of her life, she was very rarely allowed outside of the house, she only left on a few occasions.

Jane was born prematurely and her mum died giving birth.
She was born with 90% of her vision gone, it's liking looking through a straw and is sensitive to light.
She was also born with a haemorrhage and deaf in her left ear.

She had a hearing aid and cane, that would routinely get taking away from her by Edgar.

She was chained to her bed for 1 month when she tried escaping with Jeff.
Any other attempt made her things get smashed or taken.
He was the only one who knew about her dad's abuse.
Whenever Jane even hinted at what her dad did he'd tightly squeeze her hand and threaten her in private.

Jane dissociated a lot when she was younger to get through the days, often times she's on autopilot.

Being trapped in her own house, she didn't have much to do and started journaling her thoughts.
She hid it behind her drawer.

As Jane grew she felt more safe in the house, like she was untouchable, especially after the murders, Jane dreaded leaving after seeing how badly Jeff was hurt,  she only left again when they planned on killing themselves.
When she was younger however she hated being stuck inside with very little to do, while also watching others her age go out, she'd often sneak out with Victoria, or Jeff.

Jane didn't know Jeff involved Hannah and Victoria.

Jane was very interested in being a scientist, she would often ask Edgar about his work.

Jane loves the Victorian style, often scrolling on Pinterest looking at the outfits.

When Jane woke up she was terrified at the idea of being completely alone.

She has a lot of conflicting feelings from helping Jeff, she doesn't regret killing her dad, but there's a lot of what ifs, she wonders if her and her friends lives would've been better if she didn't help him and asked someone else to help her.

Janes hair gets dyed a lot, often dying it black, purple or a combination of both.
She started adding bits of purple to remember Hannah when she thought she died.

She tried smoking, she was given one from Liu and absolutely hated it, gagging instantly and never tried again.

She is a very untrusting person from all the years being inside the house, and is unnecessarily sceptical of a lot not knowing if it's dangerous or not.

Jane bought and customised the mask slightly to make it look more her style.
Jane rarely takes off the mask, she finds it to difficult and doesn't want to remember what she looks like underneath.

She is terrified of fire, even if it's a small manageable one.
Jane is a really good cook but does not like cooking on a stove anymore due to the heat.

Jane currently lives with Hannah.

Jane had gotten insomnia sometime after the incident, she always has eye bags and was more angry, she uses sleeping pills whenever she can.

After going nearly bald she started looking after her hair a lot better, she steals a lot of hair products to maintain it.
She used to wear wigs, but threw it away as soon as her hair started growing back.

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