Chapter 2

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As the bus approached the city, I saw that pure white walls surrounded the city. It gave off a vintage vibe adding in the designs of the buildings. Even though it was evening, the gate leading to the city was crowded with people who were trying to get into the city.

The bus slowly moved on to what looked like a guard post with a guard standing by. It seems the buses are not allowed into the city. A guard came in and asked about the identification papers.

(Master, I would suggest you to use the village of Listin as your hometown. It's a small village in the Andon continent in the country of Asmana. I have deduced that this will be the correct way to avoid raising suspicions. It is quite far so verifying it from this continent will not be possible)

I see. Let's go with that then.

Since I didn't have any papers, I told the guard so and he told me to come with him. Eva also tagged along. We were made to wait in the guard house and an officer wearing a red and silver uniform came in to talk to us.

He shook my hand and told me his name was Werner.

"Please write your information in this paper", He said handing me some kind of form.

I saw that it requested my name, age and address.

I didn't know how to write this world's language so I asked Airi.

(Master, please try again)

I felt letters floating in my head. Seems like how I was able to talk to people of this planet, I would be able to write as well.

I quickly filled in the details.

When I was writing my hometown, Eva looked at me quizzically.

"It seems I'm getting a few memories back."

"That's good to hear, Rayce."

I gave the form to the officer and he made me place my hand on a piece of transparent glass embedded into the table.

"This is a device to check your criminal history. It collects data from this continent and if you have any history it will show up", the guard explained.

It glowed green.

Since everything was over, he gave me a temporary slip and told me to go to the adventurers association to procure a permanent proof of identity. He also told me that this slip will be valid for seven days and to renew it I would need to come here again.

We said goodbye and went inside the city.

The roads were paved beautifully with red bricks and the lights from the lamp posts were illuminating the beautiful city. Many people were walking along the road with an occasional carriage passing by. Tall buildings made of white and blue stones stood on the side of the road. I surmised that those were at least six stories.

"How is it", Eva asked.

"It's beautiful", I said. It truly was another world.

"Right, I think it's best to go to the adventurers association and sell the monsters now", Eva said.

"Alright, let's do that", I agreed.

Soon we came to a five story building with a medieval architecture. It was pure white and was striking to look at from up close. A big sign on top of the doorway spelt "Adventurer association of Flaedan".

We went inside and the hall was buzzing with people talking to each other. You could see adventurers everywhere carrying different weapons. Some were drinking in a makeshift pub at one corner of the hall. Some were talking near a big white board with small pieces of glasses embedded into the board from where letters glowed. Eva explained that it was a quest board.

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now