Chapter 5

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The magic tower of Flaedan.

The white tower rose high into the clouds made of marbles that shined in the sunlight. A couple of hundred mages were always inside the tower at any given point of time. They created magic tools and competed with other magicians and proposed new theories regarding magical laws. Though it was one of the lesser towers, the tower of Flaedan still carried weight in the continent. It was because of Hendrick Abier who was a ninth circle mage. He had made the tower of Flaedan his home and his research on the water element made him a household name.

Though he has aged considerably now, he was still powerful enough to compete with other famous mages on the continent. Usually mages lifespan were extended due to the magic seeping into their bodies. But the most they could live was two hundred years. And Hendrick was already 153 years old. He had become the grand mage of the tower when he was 100 years old and for these past 53 years, he had watched over the rookie mages and guided them to bring out the maximum potential they had. Some had gone on to become famous themselves. He was considered almost a father figure inside the tower and everyone respected him.

The same Hendrick was now sitting on a cozy chair in his room and looking over some papers. Some of his students had proposed new magical theories and he was looking over them. There were dozens of theories everyday. Though most of them don't pass his scrutiny, some of them were quite amusing. The one he was reading had something to do with using ice to freeze magic particles and then infusing them externally into living things to cure diseases. He sighed. Though it looked good in theory, there were many holes when used practically.

Suddenly, his senses which were usually spread up to a few kilometres picked up a surge in energy. It was so sudden and so high, that it made him sweat.

"What was that", he muttered to himself.

He had never felt that kind of energy before. Though it occasionally spiked in areas where monsters reside, it usually doesn't spike so rapidly. And so highly at that.

He muttered something and disappeared from the spot leaving behind an empty chair and the pages of paper fluttering in the aftermath of the wind generated from the teleportation.


As Rayce came face to face with the old man, the old man smiled.

"Hello", he said.

"Ah, hello", Rayce greeted back.

(Master, that person is a 9th circle mage. Be careful)

I became wary and asked, "How can I help you. I was just about to go back to the city."

"Is that so? Shall we go together then", he said.

"Sure", I said.

I tried to use Appraisal on him but it was unsuccessful. He looked at me bemused and smiled.

"By the way, that magic just now was wonderful. I have never seen such precise control from someone so young. How old are you by the way"

"I'm 21", I said.

"So young", he muttered.

"I'm called Hendrick. May I know your name?"

"Ah, I'm Rayce"

"Are you from Flaedan?"

"No, I'm a traveller. I just reached this city yesterday."

"Yesterday. wonder", he muttered.


"Oh, it's nothing."

As we walked back towards the city, the sun had already set. And the moonlight was illuminating the road.

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now