Chapter 11

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"Come in."

I went inside the study after which the butler followed. Marquis Henry was sitting at a large desk at the end of the room writing something. He motioned for me to sit in one of the two big sofas that occupied half of the room.

A maid came in and poured tea for me.

The marquis got up and came and sat opposite to me. He stared at me for a while.

"I'm sorry to show you that embarrassing side of myself this evening." He said.

"Haha. I understand, you must love Amelia very much."

"Yes, yes. I see that you understand. How could you not love that angelic baby. I raised her with these two hands. Her beautiful smile that lights up a room and her delicate features that she got from her mother and her radiant eyes and......"

He went on for a while. I kept nodding.

"Ahem, anyways, Amelia tells me that you are going to Astrya."

"Yes, I was on my way to Astrya."

"She also told me that you were an adventurer and the details about how you defeated the whole group of bandits single-handedly."

"I think she was exaggerating. I had help from the knights and Sir Auzier."

"I-I see. She was exaggerating. But why would she exaggerate?"

I could barely hear the last part of the sentence which he spoke with his teeth clenched.


"No matter. I would like to formally request you to escort her until Astrya. Only until Astrya!"

"I understand. I would be happy to guard her until Astrya." I said pretending not to hear the last part.

He sighed.

"Thank you." He smiled. It was a genuine smile. You could feel the tension in his eyes lift. Of course if your only daughter was attacked by a group of bandits, you will be worried.

"Also, Amelia told me that you liked the car that you rode in. Would you like me to order one for you. You can consider it a reward for assisting her."

"No, as I already told Amelia and Lady Clarice, I wasn't looking for a reward when I helped her. I just encountered them by chance."

"I see."

"But that won't do. You've helped the Kaerius family and we return any help we receive tenfold. I would like you to accept this."

He said taking out a small pouch and placing it on the table.

"It's a small token of our appreciation."

I took the pouch and looked inside.

(Master, those are platinum coins and 50 of them.)

"Th-this is too much."

"I'm not taking it back." He pouted and turned away his head.

"Sigh. Alright. In that case, thank you. I accept."

He smiled.

"Amelia will be leaving in two days. I would like you to rest inside the estate until then."

I nodded.

"Then Rayce, it was nice to meet you. I hope you escort her well." He forwarded his hand.

I shook his hand and he suddenly pulled me close to him and whispered.

"But I'm still not giving you Amelia."

"Ahaha. I can assure you, that is not my intention."

"I don't believe you!"

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now