Chapter 18

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As I approached the city gate, I could see numerous guards patrolling the wide wall. Some were admitting people into the city after thorough verification, while others inspected carriages and cars for goods. Among the large number of people crowded around the gate, I could see many adventures either gearing up to leave the city or just chatting with their party members. Countless stalls adorned the vicinity of the gate and many adventurers were actively bargaining over the goods being sold.

As I looked around for the people that I would be going with, I saw a blonde guy waving at me. He was wearing leather armour and had a sword hanging from his waist. He had been talking to a group of people that looked like adventurers. I could make out that they were adventurers due to the clothes and armors they were wearing. I waved at him and slowly made my way to the group. He came out to meet me half way and shook my hand.

"Rayce, right?"

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"Ah, Lakisha told us about you. And that silver hair stands out, haha."

"I see," I nodded and smiled.

"I'm Ian. Come, I'll introduce you to the group."

I followed him.

He guided me towards three people, standing near a street vendor and engrossed in conversation. As I approached them, they turned to greet me. One was an elven girl, another was a girl in a wizard robe and another was a man wearing glasses.

"Hello, I'm Rayce." I greeted them.

"So, you're the last one. I'm Ashryn." The elf introduced herself.

"I'm Rina." The girl in the wizard robe added with a smile.

"I'm Herbert Cantrell. I'm the researcher that placed the request for escort." The person in glasses said shaking my hand.

"I'm Ian, as I have already said. Rina and I are a party. Ashryn is a solo adventurer like you and she will be joining us for this request."

"I hope you will take good care of me." Herbert said bowing to us.

Then he motioned for us to get into a car parked in a seperate parking area near the gate. Two guards in armour were waiting near the car. They had a crest of an eagle and a sword drawn on their armours. They promptly came to us as soon as Herbert gave the signal and guided us to the car. The car was quite spacious and we were all able to fit comfortably inside despite my misgivings. It seems, there were different types of vehicles in Astrya with varied styles. In Glaecia, I could see only one type of car. I wondered if these models are yet to be shipped to the other countries.

"The Frithrin forest is around an hour from the city. We should reach it quite quickly." Herbert said, sitting down in his seat.

After getting out of the city, we gradually made our way towards the forest. One of the guards was driving and another one was sitting beside him. It seems the cars were made quite spaciously so that people in armour could fit inside. As I looked out of the window, I could see vast farmlands spread around either side of the road. Even from a distance, the city stood prominently on the horizon, casting a grand and imposing presence.

Ian and Rina were sitting beside me talking among themselves and Herbert and Ashryn were sitting opposite me. The sitting system was like a carriage. Ian had a leather armour on and Rina donned a blue wizard robe with a long staff in her hand. Ashryn was wearing a green armour that looked like leather and was looking out the window as the car sped along. She was also wearing a bracelet that gave off a faint glow. I think the others couldn't see it as they didn't pay much attention to it. A bow rested on her lap and what looked like a small wand was strapped to the belt on her waist. Her pronounced elf ears and her blonde hair accentuated her striking features. Meanwhile, Herbert dressed in a gray robe was absorbed in reading from an open book, stealing glances outside from time to time.

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