Chapter 20

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The night dawned on the forest and it gave off an eerie atmosphere, illuminated by the ethereal glow of the moonlight. The tall trees swaying in the wind seemed to whisper among themselves and the glowing eyes of the monsters beyond the veil of trees, filled us with dread. They looked ready to pounce at the slightest chance. I looked around and Herbert was almost shivering even though he was the closest to the fire.

As I glanced at the watch strapped to my wrist, I saw that midnight wasn't that far away. I slowly looked up at the sky, but couldn't make out the constellation mentioned in the strange writings on the pillar. Herbert saw me looking at the sky and he pointed at the focal points I should concentrate on to find the arrow. Sure enough, it looked like an arrow with a red star that shone at the tip and many glowing stars forming the body of the arrow.

As we waited with bated breath, the clock finally struck midnight. A change seemed to come to the area and I could hear monsters screaming and yelping beyond the trees. I looked at the trees beyond the clearing and the red eyes had disappeared, replaced by an eerie silence. The yard with the contraption began to shine faintly and the floor leading up to the building glowed green as a green road was formed leading to the large door.

"It's time," Herbert said getting up.

We got up and after putting out the fire, cautiously made our way to the door. Two symbols glowed green on either side of the door. One was a circular symbol and another was a triangular symbol. Herbert placed his hand on the circular symbol and the door began to open with a sound like two stones rubbing vigorously against each other. Once the sound subsided, we got into formation and slowly walked inside. The door began to move again and it shut itself behind us.

The inside was dark. Ashryn quickly used her spirit magic to summon the light orbs and we could see that we were standing in a vast hallway with large statues lined up along one wall and large murals drawn on the other wall. Most of the statues were broken. I created a small fire in my hand and slowly walked to the murals. Large black colored beasts could be seen devouring humans and a small black orb floated in the sky that was absorbing the beasts. The wall depicted meteors falling from the sky and black colored monsters flooding the land. There were writings describing the situation and even though some of the letters had eroded, I was able to read them.

"Year 3067 of the Agniv civilization. The invaders from the sky surrounded us. With nowhere to go ........ was up. Some fled the planet while we holed up inside ........ We wait with the hope ......... return .... us."

Another mural depicted a spaceship taking off. It was a crude drawing but I wonder if they were successful in escaping the planet.

"It .......... forty years. We don't know the situation outside. People are growing ......... The younger ones want to go outside. We wait for a decision from .......... The golems have been diligently ......... us stay alive. Without them ......... perished long ago."

"A decision has been ....... We are finally going ....... The readings from the .......... have been positive. With hopes that those creatures had disappeared we take our first steps outside tomorrow."

It was the last record of the people who had been living here. There were no more writings on this side of the wall.

"This seems horrible. Maybe, these were drawn from imaginations," Ashryn said, running her hand over the murals.

"No, it looks like the history of the people who had once a thriving civilization in this land," I said.

"Wa-wait, you can read those symbols?" Ashryn asked, shocked.

"Ye-yeah, it seems so."

Herbert came running to me after hearing that.

"P-please translate the writings. I can only decipher parts of it and it might take years and years of research to decipher everything."

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now