Chapter 26

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The next day, Reuben came to meet me in the study, guided by Elias. He informed me that the servant quarters had been completed. I was surprised by the speed of dwarven construction, as it was much faster than I had initially anticipated.

I went out with him, and a four storey white building sat on the assigned land. It was quite well constructed. It effortlessly blended in with the tall buildings on the horizon. I went inside and looked at the rooms. They were quite spacious, having ample space for two people. I called the servants and asked them to choose one room each for themselves. They were quite grateful and praised the facilities. Alina had brought her son and he was running around looking at every nook and cranny. His name was Mathias and he was a ten year old child. After looking at their happy faces, I told them to start bringing their belongings inside.

(Doesn't it look good?)

(Yes, master. It does look good. I'm impressed by the skills of the dwarves.)


I looked at Reuben and he was smiling. I guess nothing beats getting praised for your own creation. I took him back to my study and after signing the papers that stated the completion of the project, he said farewell and left. The total cost of both constructions came up to 30 platinum coins. They had even put in furnishings in all the rooms, so I was happy to pay the amount requested. Reuben left with a smile.

After seeing Reuben off, I went to meet Revati. The dwarves constructed the entrance to the underground laboratory in the basement of the mansion. The basement contained a big cellar for storing wine. Due to how it was constructed, I figured it was used as a storm cellar as well, at one time. I went down to the wide cellar and made my way towards the door at the end of the long passage. There were many racks set up on the walls for storing wine. The dwarves had even renovated the floors and painted the walls, so the cellar gleamed, illuminated by small lamps attached to the walls.

After reaching the end of the passage, I stood in front of the door that led to the laboratory. It had a mechanism installed by Otien that required authentication to go inside. It was basically putting your hand against the door and the door opened after verifying the person. It reminded me of the fingerprint sensors that came with smartphones on Earth. I went inside and Revati and Otien were working on the washing machine. It had been taken apart, and Revati was fiddling with it, while Otien was hovering around her, talking.

The laboratory had also been decorated by Zena. Large tables were set up on various corners of the room and tools and other items were set up on them. Most of them were what Revati had salvaged from the shelter and repurposed. A table was set up for me to work on potions as well.

"Hey, Rayce," Revati greeted me.

"How is it coming along? Any progress?"

"We're almost done. Come look at it."

It was one of the most basic washing machines with a drum that washes and dries clothes. Revati had engraved a magic circle near the motor and small blue colored lines ran on the inside of the machine. She informed me that those lines were made after powdering the Energons and making a paste. Then the paste was used as ink to draw the lines.

She even took apart the motor and made it anew. It now ran on Energons and the magic circle even made the machine lighter. It had been perfectly reborn for a magical world. After assembling it, she turned on the machine. We put some clothes inside and started the motor. It made whirring sounds and started to run. I looked inside the transparent plastic cover and water was being created using magic, and the clothes washed.

(Master, it's really well made.)

(I know, right. Well, I did expect it from someone that came from an advanced civilization)

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