Chapter 28

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I looked at Ashryn and I could see her unwavering face. She was sweating from the overpowering aura coming from the skeleton, but she held her ground.

"It's a wraith," she said, turning to me.

I tried to appraise it but it yielded no results. The appraisal had a mind of its own. It worked some times and other times it was a dud. I sighed and readied myself.

The skeleton waited patiently, looking at us. It looked like it was inviting us to strike him first.

"Be careful. Magic doesn't work on them. Only physical attacks overlapped with energy will go through."

"I see."

I concentrated and a small amount of energy covered the tip of my sword. I looked at the wraith and it was still watching us, though I could feel the atmosphere around him becoming wary but not enough to warrant any real threat.

Since he invited us to strike him first, I took a step forward. The wraith took out his sword from the ground and faced me.

I rushed in swiftly, but my sword was easily blocked. Then he swung his sword in an arc. I jumped aside and saved myself but the sword gouged out the ground where I was standing. I applied energy to the sword again and sliced at him. This time, he jumped back, keeping his glowing eyes on me. Ashryn started chanting from behind me and a small ice circle was being formed behind the wraith. It began to expand and tried to restrict his movements by encasing him in ice. The wraith began to spin his sword and it glowed red, heat pouring out of it, melting the ice. This time he rushed at me. I tried to block him but he parried my sword and feinted to the right, thrusting his sword at my stomach. I tried to evade it but the force of the thrust was higher than I had anticipated and it gouged me. Blood started pouring out of the open wound.


"Rayce!!" Ashryn screamed.

I jumped back panting. I healed it with a basic healing spell I could immediately think of. The wound began to close, but I still felt lightheaded. I tried to strike him with lightning and a concentrated bolt fell on him but when the dust cleared, he looked unfazed, though the armour was singed a little. Ashryn moved closer to me.

"Are you alright?" She asked, concerned.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. How do you defeat something like that?"

It was the first time I had faced someone so strong. Due to me neglecting my sword training, I hadn't moved past being a sword expert. So, I was having a hard time fighting on equal footing with him.

(Master, concentrate the energy from your heart and try to visualise the wall that is holding you back.)

I tried so but it was unsuccessful. The image evaded me. The wraith was looking at us with an amused smile. His demeanor made me feel like he didn't consider us a threat at all. Ashryn was panting beside me. The magic she used must have exhausted her.

I steadied myself and got into an attacking stance. The wraith began to move towards us and began to deliver quick blows with his sword. I signaled Ashryn to move back as I moved forward and tried to parry his fast swings. His sword became even faster with sparks flying from the clash of our swords. Parrying was the only thing I could do, with the strength of each of his strikes making my arm lose strength.

As I was about to falter in the face of such heavy blows, I throught of what would happen to Ashryn if I fell here. I steeled myself and tried to think about increasing the aura again. The 'all weapon mastery skill' I had, gave me the wielding knowledge of weapons, but didn't teach me how to rise in ranks above a certain level and it didn't increase my experience which became painfully evident as the fight dragged on. As I was thinking of moving past the barrier that was stopping me from evolving my sword skills, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. The blade in my hand began to vibrate. I jumped back as soon as a strong thrust came from the wraith. I could feel tremendous energy emanating from my body. It was as if the pores on my skin were opening up and it was sucking in energy from the surroundings. Feeling something, the wraith moved back as well.

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now