Chapter 35

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"Are they coming here?" I asked Fleur, after looking at the map.

"No, to be exact, they are coming to the chamber above us."

"A chamber above?"

"Yes, an elven city used to flourish above this chamber and in their heyday they constantly traded with us dragons."

"Though that was a long time ago and the civilization had long perished," she explained.

"I was once exploring the caverns when I was young and mistakenly stumbled upon their ruins. Later, I learned about their civilization from our elders."

"I see."

"It was heavily protected by ancient magic but I was somehow able to gain access and what I found there was this staff," She continued, indicating the staff.

"Mother!! You were adventurous like me as well!!" Floryn shouted, hugging her.

"No, you idiot. At least, I didn't sleep for ten thousand years!!"

"That was one time...." Floryn said, pouting.

"Sigh. Anyways, I knew something was off as soon as I held this staff. I figured out later that it was a memory capsule," she said, turning back to me.

"I tried to access it's memories but wasn't entirely successful. I only saw small flashes. Later, I found a writing that explained that it can only be accessed by elven royalty and it contained the memories of their own world."

"I-I see. So, you know about the elves coming from another world?"

"Yes, it's written in our texts."

"I see. Do you think that the elves are coming to get this staff?" I asked.

"Yes......I'm sure. No one has entered the above ruins in thousands of years."

She said, after a pause.

"I had been holding onto this staff but I should return it now to its rightful place."

It seemed that the ones holding Ashryn captive had something to do with this staff.

"Can I hold onto the staff?" I asked.

"Sure, but...."

I told her about Ashryn and how I was looking for her. After hearing the story, she agreed to help and Fleur took us both Floryn and me back to the chamber using teleportation. A large chamber with a statue unfolded in front of us. I told them to hide themselves and they silently melded into the shadows so as not to get discovered until I gave the signal.

I placed myself behind the large statue and waited for the elves to enter the chamber.

Soon, I could hear mortal shouts coming from the passage beyond the room. I wanted to rush in immediately but I somehow controlled myself and waited. I kept looking at the map and the dot that was Ashryn.

(Master, they're here!)

Pretty soon, eight people entered, with a silver haired elf leading the group. He held a sword in his hand and his eyes had a kind of madness in them as they darted from one corner of the room to another. As he was about to step towards the large statue, I revealed myself.

I slowly got out from behind the statue and looked at Ashryn. She was the second last to enter, with an elven woman following close behind her. She shouted my name as soon as she saw me.

I looked at her and in spite of the sadness I felt about not being able to protect her, I smiled at her and greeted her.

The silver haired elf looked at me and then at Ashryn and as if suddenly coming to a realisation asked.

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now