Chapter 14

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Sir Auzier informed us that we were nearing the city, and as we approached, the road became a bustling spectacle teeming with people on foot, lengthy carriages, and buses shuttling back and forth between the city and its surroundings. The buses in this region showcased a higher level of appeal compared to those near Flaedan, as did the carriages. The road then split into two lanes, with one exclusively designated for bikes and cars. Sir Auzier explained that this additional lane had been recently constructed to alleviate congestion issues and facilitate quicker access for nobles traveling to the city. A lovely road, flanked by trees on either side, unfolded before us. The vehicles, including the one I was traveling in, smoothly maintained a steady pace as they advanced towards the city.

We soon ascended to a higher elevation, from which the road gently descended. Gradually, the city began to unfold before us, revealing its skyline.

It was a true metropolis. The city spread as far as the eyes could reach, resembling a city inside a city. A massive wall enveloped its entirety, extending so far that I could not even see the end of it. A fleet of airships were floating in the air that closely resembled Zeppelins.

In the heart of the city, two towering structures stood in magnificent contrast, facing each other with majestic grandeur. One soared in pristine white, while its counterpart gleamed in a sunflower yellow, both reaching skyward until their summits vanished into the embrace of clouds. Countless houses painted in different colors stood in perfect harmony. Grand structures dotted the central city, which gradually gave way to smaller residences as the city expanded outward. Broad roads crisscrossed the entire metropolis, emphasizing the vibrant allure of the colorful houses. A sprawling lake flowed through the center, adorned with small boats ferrying people across its calm waters. Vibrant banners adorned the city, suspended in the air and swaying gracefully with the wind. They collectively painted the landscape in a vibrant tone, draping the entire cityscape in a captivating spectrum of colors. The gates and walls, guarded by people in red and blue uniforms, stood tall, while a lengthy line of people, along with various carriages and cars, patiently awaited entry, creating a scene of anticipation.

"Wonderful, isn't it?" inquired Amelia.

"Yeah, it is the largest city I have ever seen," I replied, captivated by the sprawling city.

Heading towards the gate, my attention was drawn to the numerous guards wearing red and blue uniforms, skillfully guiding individuals towards the entrance. The line of cars and carriages patiently awaited their turn, each being permitted entry one by one under the watchful gaze of the color-coordinated guards.

I could see a diverse combination of people awaiting entry, each distinct in their features. Elves, recognizable by their characteristic long ears and flowing hair, stood gracefully in the queue. Dwarfs, with their stout stature and robust build, stood steadfast in the line. Beastmen, displaying a unique union of human and animal traits, added a touch of diversity. Even giants, wearing clothes that somehow rendered them inconspicuous despite their towering size, patiently awaited entry. Of course humans were there in the mix too, waiting with their fellow queue goers.

We soon neared the gate. A separate gate was installed for cars and bikes. Reaching the gate, Auzier stepped out of the car and presented his pass, signaling for me to do the same. I retrieved my adventurer card and displayed it to the guards. They proceeded to record information on a tablet-like device, resembling the ones used at the adventurer association but held in their hands for mobility, in stark contrast to the stationary ones fixed to desks.

We were ushered in, and as we entered, a vibrant explosion of colors enveloped me immediately. The roadside was adorned with buildings of various shades, and even the pedestrians wore clothes in a combination of vibrant colors. Different races seamlessly blended together, their faces lit up with happiness as they engaged in conversation while making their way to various destinations.

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