Chapter 21

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Suddenly, the scenery warped again and I was standing in a white room with people running about in white and green uniforms. They looked like doctors. Though they didn't have the signature lab coat, their uniforms were completely white with green stripes on them and they were running around a room filled with instruments that looked scientific and magical.

"Dr. Revati, the sample has arrived. What would you like me to do?"

"Get it inside the quarantine chamber as fast as you can."

"Let's go. Let's go, people."

A woman in black hair who looked like she was in her mid thirties was commanding the people running about. She was holding a book and a small window like my status window was opened in front of her where there were complex things written and various diagrams drawn. I could only make out the word Krigu. There were statistics and numbers of things I had no idea what they were about.

Soon, she started walking and I followed her. We went inside another white room after passing through an empty hallway. A large container like box sat in the middle of the room with round contraptions stuck on the sides of the container that whirred and glowed. It was made of a metal that could not be seen through from the outside. Countless doctors were working on small windows opened in front of them and there were many security guards and golems guarding the container. The guards near the container saluted her and she went inside after nodding at them. I followed her. A glass was installed in the middle of the container which partitioned it. This side of the container was bright and filled with various instruments while the other side of the glass contained a dark space. She went near the glass, knocked on it and waited. I stood, holding my breath but nothing happened for a while. Suddenly, something slithered in the darkness and it flung itself violently at the glass. I almost fell backwards in shock. I looked at the doctor but she seemed composed. What I saw was the black creature that was being shown in the news in the square. I straightened myself and moved towards the glass to take a better look at it.

It had black fur growing over a black skin and looked like a lion but it was walking on two legs. It had an inverted triangular symbol on his forehead that glowed in intervals like it was breathing. When it growled at the doctor revealing his teeth, I saw that it's fangs were prominent and sharp and it had a sucker at the back of his mouth where the tongue should have been. His claws looked strong enough to shred a human to pieces and the tail looked reptilian. It struck the floor loudly in anger and looked at the doctor and growled.

"Hello, visitor from outer space," The doctor spoke to the creature.

It growled in response and didn't provide any words back. But it seemed to be smiling. It was looking at the doctor like stalking a prey.

The scenery changed again. This time I was standing in the city and it was night time. The moons shone brightly above, but the city wasn't in the state I saw it before. The city had crumbled. The tall buildings were all destroyed and screams could be heard from everywhere. Small broken holograms stammering broken words could be seen. I looked around and I could see corpses lying around, lifeless. As I walked towards the center of the city, I could see the creatures moving in formation like they were being controlled. They were searching for survivors. By this time, I had come to the conclusion that this was indeed a memory and I could not affect them in any way, neither could they affect me. So I walked towards the only building still standing in the city. I passed through countless people dying and begging for help but the invaders were oblivious to their plight and continued slaughtering them. I clenched by fist. The mayhem was spreading everywhere.

Suddenly, a shadow passed over the sky and as I looked up, my body froze. A innate fear filled me. A black orb was dangling in the sky and some of the creatures were being sucked in. It soon disappeared again and I fell down breathing roughly.

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now