Chapter 22

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"Yes, I'm alright," I replied to Airi.

She seemed to be able to talk as a seperate entity in this place and was even floating outside of my body. I looked warily at the blue orb.

"What is this place?" I asked Airi.

Instead of Airi, the blue orb called Otien replied.

"It's a memory space. I was able to show you those memories through this conduit."

"A memory space, huh."

I checked my body and it seemed alright, but it didn't feel like my original body.

"Am I dead?"

"No, your body has just been teleported into the passageway you saw earlier in the memories. However, I was the one who brought your consciousness to this place since only consciousness can exist in this space."

It looked like an enclosed space but I couldn't see any boundaries. The blue orb called Otien was directly in front of me while Airi floated beside me.

"Alright, about the things I saw.....were they the history of your people?"

I asked him while still being a little wary. But he didn't seem to have any ill intentions.

"Technically, yes. They were the people I served. Their civilization was called Agniv."

"What was your reason to show me those memories and what are you?"

"I was made by an ancient entity and was provided to the Agniv people to assist them with the knowledge accumulated by the civilization and to store their memories. If you want to find a parallel, I'd say I'm more like an artificial intelligence from your memories. I worked exclusively with Dr. Revati after she was granted custody of me. Regarding why I showed you the memories, I think you should have a talk with Airi."

I looked back at Airi. I couldn't read her feelings as she was outside my body so I left that question for later.

"I see. Wait, you can see my memories?"

" of it. I can see that you were in a different world not unlike our civilization and you died there and then somehow you came to this world. But, I cannot see your childhood in this world nor how you were able to come here. In fact, the very first memory of you in this world I can access is you waking up near the forest."

"Ah, that's because I was sent here by someone. Wait, you can't see that memory?"

"I can't see anything between your death and your arrival in this world. It's like a white film is covering that part of the timeline."

"I see."

It was probably a mechanism from the goddess to deter anyone from knowing about her.

"Those creatures I saw. What were they?" I asked him.

"I do not know where they came from but they came to this world through meteors. The first sightings were recorded near the Volian pass. After that, many meteors continuously struck the planet. Something else followed them soon after. But regrettably, I don't have any information about the entity that followed them."

"Are you talking about the black orb?"

"Yes, but it only showed itself to absorb the creatures and did not interfere directly with the invasion. It appeared when most of the people in an area were dead and then disappeared soon after it absorbed some of those creatures."

"I see."

The black orb was a more dangerous variable than those creatures since I don't know what it wanted and what its goal was.

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now