Chapter 30

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I was planning to convert the fourth floor into an office, so I told Revati to build a separate teleportation platform to access it. Each floor had three rooms. The main hall and two smaller rooms. The ground floor consisted of one smaller room and another room that opened onto a loading bay. She selected the small room that was behind the main hall. That room will be transformed into an employees only section with direct access to the fourth floor.

The shop was gradually coming together. We checked the platforms and they were working flawlessly. The dwarves cheered.

After that, we went to look at the workshop. I had told Reuben to furnish the workshop with everything it requires with the help of Bjorv. So, I could see furnaces and anvils as well as bigger magical tools for faster production. The upper floor of the workshop has been converted to living spaces for the dwarves. Even an extra two storey building had been built next to it to accomodate more dwarves.

Everything seemed ready. A few days later, Reuben came to meet me at the estate, informing that all of the construction had been completed. The total came upto 40 platinum coins and an extra 5 coins for furnishings. With a promise to call him again for any further business, I bade him farewell. He left with a smile.

A few days later, all the preparations for the opening had been completed. We had moved all the washing machines to the shop and set them up for display. A large space was prepared outside the shop for trials to pull in customers.

The dwarves were working diligently with Revati and were completing the machines quite quickly. With a good amount in stock, it was now time to open the shop.

I called everyone from our estate as well as the dwarves who had worked hard for the opening. Ashryn and Revati were there as well. I felt proud for starting something at last, even though it was in another world. We opened the shop with a cheer. I had moved three people from the estate to the shop to work as salespersons and our business started with smiles on everyone's faces.

While everyone was reveling in the joyous mood, I saw Ashryn in the corner of the room with a sad face. I went to talk to her.

"Is everything all right?"

"Y-yeah...Congrats by the way." She said with a smile. It looked a little forced.

"Thank you. But it's all thanks to Revati."

"I know you worked hard as well," she said, smiling.

"Thank you."

"If you need anything, you know I'm always here, right?" I stressed.

"O-Of course," she said, averting her eyes. I felt like I touched a nerve so I left it alone.

For the first few days, no-one came but gradually, some people started coming in fascinated by the trials we were displaying outside the shop. Mr. Leighet and Count Linet came to greet and congratulate me on the opening and bought a washing machine each. Eventually, the word began to spread about the miracle washing machine and we were swamped with orders from all directions. There were even shops dedicated to washing clothes cropping up all over the city. Every owner of a building in the city was requesting one for themselves.

Even people from the magic tower came and marveled at the washing machine and the teleportation platforms. They demanded to see the person who created them and I directed them to Revati. She didn't seem much keen on keeping up appearances so I had a hard time keeping them off of her. She received many invitations to the magic towers but she declined all of them. As the news of the machine spread, we started getting orders even from outside Astrya and the workload of the dwarfs increased.

Bjorv came to meet me one day and told me that the orders were increasingly getting harder to fulfill. I decided to hire more dwarves and asked him. He said he will contact his tribe and get back to me.

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now