Chapter 10

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The four hours to Glaecia passed quickly. Amelia, talked about her family and her life. She said she was the third child of the Kaerius family and that she had two older brothers. The Kaerius family was a family of merchants. Most of the goods passing through the Kingdom of Quizen could be attributed to the influence of the Kaerius trading company. They even had influence over the Azeron continent and could be named as one of the three biggest merchant houses of this continent. She told me that they traded regularly with the other two continents and goods coming from them passed frequently through their trading company.

She said that she was a student at the Astrya academy of magical science. She was on vacation and had gone to the port city of Eblana to meet her aunt who managed the maritime trade aspect of the Kaerius company. They had about 40 escorts but the larger part of the escorts were delayed and they had promised to meet at Flaedan but they never showed up. So they had to make the journey to Glaecia with a small number of escorts. That's when they were ambushed and thankfully met Rayce who helped them.

She asked about me and I told her that I was an adventurer and an alchemist and was on my way to Astrya. I was just camping near a Lake when I heard the sound of fighting and came to help. That I come from the Andon continent and was just traveling and familiarising myself with this continent.

I looked at her status.

[Name: Amelia Von Kaerius

Race: Human

Skills : Magic (Fire, Wind), Energy recognition, Chantless magic, Business Acumen]

(Looks like a student from a magic academy)

(Yes, though that Chantless magic skill is rare.)

(But I don't chant.)

(It's because you have me!)

"We are almost there," Auzier said from the front seat of the vehicle.

I looked out of the window and I could see a big city. Much bigger than Flaedan. With tall buildings rising up and an even taller building on the left side of the city. I assumed it was another magic tower. The city was covered in gray walls shining in the sunlight. And a large flag of the country was drawn on the walls.

We soon reached the gate. It was crowded with a line of people waiting to get in. I could see a few bikes here and there. The knights went ahead and showed something to the guards and the ones managing the gates saluted and let us through. And another bigger gate came into view. There were two gates side by side. One was for people who had come to the city by walking or in carriages and another one was for vehicles. Vehicles like the one I was riding on were lined up to enter the city.

"It takes a while," Amelia said regretfully.

I smiled and assured her that it didn't bother me and I was happy to wait.

Soon we were let through and made our way inside.

The roads were spacious and a large number of people were walking on the sidewalk with tall buildings hovering above them. The scene looked right out of a movie. Watching me show interest in architecture, Amelia said that 10 years ago, the city didn't look like this. The buildings were smaller and living areas were congested. But after a researcher discovered a substance that could hold bricks in place for a long time without magic, new innovative ideas were formed and many new types of buildings were constructed. I figured it was probably cement or something like that.

"Please come with us to the Kaerius estate." Amelia said looking at me.

I sighed. I had no choice but to agree looking at her puppy eyes that were looking at me expectantly.

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now