Chapter 16

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After buying the mansion, due to its sheer size, the need to employ people to take care of the vast estate became undeniable.

Since I had to inform Count Jinat about the purchase and thank him for his introduction to the broker, I couldn't start right away. He was quite happy to know that I had purchased the house from Count Hovenheim. He commended him as an outstanding political ally. Amelia having learnt of the purchase, also informed me that she would soon come to view the house. It wasn't that far from their house as her grandfather's house was also in the northern part of the city. When I walked to their residence, I was surprised to find that it was just five streets away.

So, after two days, I eventually made my way to the Employers Guild. Count Jinat had told me that the Employers Guild was a good place to find qualified people and that most of his servants were referrals from the guild. You need to post a requirement and competent people will apply, was what he said. It was conveniently right next to the adventurer association so I didn't have much difficulty in finding the building.

It was a blue building with three floors and Employers Guild written in gold colored letters on the sign hanging outside the building. When I went inside, I saw many people in maid uniforms and butler uniforms. I figured they were here to find jobs. As I looked around, I saw that the left side of the hall was occupied by a reception desk. I slowly went there and spoke to the receptionist named Hozi who smiled as I approached. I could make out the name tag stuck on his uniform even from afar. I informed him about my requirements and posted my request with him and paid 5 gold coins as requested. I was asked to wait for 3 days and that people will be sent to the estate starting from the third day for interviews. Since I was the one who had to interview them, I consented. A buffer of three days was not bad.

After thanking him, I made my way to the adventurer guild. Airi has been nagging me to take a quest so I had come here to do so.

(Master, at last!)

(Yeah, yeah.....)

The receptionist Lakisha was talking to other adventurers so I made my way to the quest board. As I scanned the quest board for a suitable request, my eyes were drawn to a quest in the Frithrin forest. It was an escort request to guard a team going to explore a ruin. Having never seen ruins in Thieca, I excitedly took on the request. If I look at my earth memories, the Egyptian ruins comes to mind. Though they were excavated long before I was born, I always wondered what the explorers would have felt as they were uncovering a buried piece of ancient history.

After confirming it with Lakisha, I went out of the adventurer guild and strolled around the city to have my breakfast. The request stated that I should meet the explorer team near the city gate in the afternoon. So, I still had time to spare. I soon reached a beautiful cafe in a corner of the street next to the guild. I went in and they were serving cakes and tea. I soon made my way to an empty table and placed my order with the waitress that came to get my order. As I looked around, I could see elves, dwarfs and humans talking and eating. Even teenagers in uniforms were there. I figured they were from some academy nearby.

In one such table near me, an elf and a dwarf was talking. It was not that loud but due to my enhanced hearing I could very easily make out the words.

"Were you aware that the Kosoto Empire has closed off its borders?" The elf asked.

"Really? I had a feeling something was off." The dwarf said thoughtfully.

"You know, just last year, when Lothar delivered armors to the Kosoto Empire, they were oddly friendly and suggested opening a smithing shop there. It made me very suspicious." The dwarf added.

"Yeah, they have never been kind to non-humans." The elf agreed.

"Hmm....I smell war."

"I don't think it would spread to Astrya though. We have Sir Valian and Sir Egrus. Sir Valian is still the best swordmaster on the continent and Sir Egrus is one of the only two 10th circle mage on the continent."

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now