Chapter 34

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As they entered the underground passage, they were instantly hit with a stale odor that indicated that the place had remained closed for a long time. The smell of dust and old things permeated the air.

With a command from Volir, the elven warriors instantly used magic to create fire sparks that illuminated the passage. As Ashryn's eyes adjusted to the light, she could see various statues of elven people lining up the side of the passage and many scribbled writings on the wall in the ancient elven script. The moldy and slippery walls showed that there was probably a source of water somewhere underground, even though the desert looked to be devoid of water.

Volir stepped forward and began to examine the writings. The floating sparks illuminated the writings, following the casters will. The letters seemed to be carved with magic as it still hadn't faded away after so many years. After a while, as if he was done checking the writings, Volir signaled to the group and they began to move again.

Soon the passage opened up to a big cavern with long glowing stalactites hanging from the ceiling and ruins of old buildings scattered as far as the eyes could see. The buildings looked to be abandoned but many structures still stood proudly, though a little eroded by time. As they looked at the ruins, a flickering light in the middle of the ruins shined brightly as if beckoning everyone to it.

The elven warriors got into formation and with Volir leading the way, they slowly began to make their way towards the illuminated area.

Ashryn looked up and she could see shining stones in the ceiling alongside the stalactites, illuminating the surroundings. They looked nothing like any stones she had seen before. The buildings they passed on their way forward looked like ancient elven structures. It seemed that there was once a thriving civilization in this place.

As she moved on with the group, they soon reached a large carved road with big chasms on either side of it. The wide road slanted upwards and led to an opening. As they got nearer, they saw that they were standing in a large round platform with strange circles on it. The circles were carved with ancient elven letters and in the middle of the platform sat a golden ball and farther in the distance another dark passage that led away from it.

As soon as they took another step, the cavern began to shake and all around the round platform, elevenoid shapes began to emerge. Six figures began to rise up from the ground and stood flanking the circle.

"Root warriors," she heard Rivera whisper from beside her.

They indeed looked like the long lost golems of the elven people. She had read in the history books that some of the founding fathers of the elven society were able to cast ancient magic and that the root warriors were the accumulation of that very knowledge. The figures acutely resembled their drawings. None of the elves alive today were able to use such magic. It truly made her feel like she stepped into a different part of history.

The root warriors were entirely made of roots and were holding long broadswords with shining Armor covering their bodies except their head. They had the characteristics of elven people with long ears and black eyes that stared at them. Even though their faces were made of roots, they were strangely smooth and the features could easily be made out, even from a distance.

They began to move in unison and came and stopped in front of the road blocking their access to the passage beyond the round platform.

One of them that looked like their leader stepped forward and after getting in a pose that had him holding the sword pointing it to the ground, began to speak. He spoke in the ancient elven tongue but his speech was devoid of any emotions.

"Only the worthy shall pass. Show us the worthiness of the Royal blood left behind by Ezlian."

The twenty warriors that constituted the elven group created a circle and Volir began to have a conversation with the people in hushed tones. Since she was not included in the group, she couldn't hear them. But it looked like they had already expected this.

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